
We Got To Get Broke Up, First – Bro. William Branham

We have to get broken up by God first, before he can rebuild us back up and then we can get somewhere with God.

“That’s the reason tonight that many of the Christians hasn’t got the victory is because their sins has separated them from the blessing; cut off, out in a desert place alone, and our hearts are hanging on the weeping willow tree because we can’t enjoy the songs of the church. I remember long ago when we used to come in here.

They’d be playing Down At The Cross on the piano when the bell was being tolled and come in. There would hardly be a dry on the church, everybody weeping slowly, the mellow. I just like the old-fashion way; mellow sweet, power of the Holy Spirit broke up. Before we can ever make any headway, we got to get broke up, first.

You know, like the Potter, the prophet was going down to the Potter’s house to be broke up, to be made over again. And you know, if there is no breaking up, there is no making over again. You have to first be broke up. And how that, just like the ground, if you’re going to have a crop, Brother Wright, you have to break your ground up, first, tear it all to pieces. And then plant your seed, and it’ll come forth.

Depends on what kind of seed you plant, then, while it’s broke up. So then while the crop is… ground is all broke up, it’s time to plant the seed. Then these brethren who was gone away from the promised land, down into Babylon, carried away, because their sins had separated them from God.

And I’m just old-fashioned enough to believe, tonight, this, that when the church or any individual begins to play and flirt with the world, you’re going to have the same experience; getting away from God, getting away from the Truth. And I believe it. I know that it’s truth.”

This quote is from the message preached by brother William Branham entitled “Witnesses” preached on April 5th, 1953. You can listen and watch the complete message here: