
Episode 392: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 358

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Episode Summary:

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

74 You know, that’s the way to get God close to you, is think about Him, talk about Him. Just keep Jesus… Don’t talk about the things of the world; talk about Jesus. That’s the way to do it. People may think you’re a little funny, but that’s all right. Just keep on, let your conversation be about Him. Here…

I want to stop here a minute. My son, Billy… He’s around here somewhere. Here about three or four years ago, we were in a meeting. And he… They was playing some kind of music or something. We went in after service at Wood River, Illinois. And we went in to get some—some food. And they was playing some kind of a song. I don’t know what it was.

And he said, “Daddy, ain’t that a pretty song?”

I said, “What song?”

And I despise them little old jukeboxes, ever what you call it. I’ve went into a many restaurant and said, “Lady, I’ll lay two dollars down here; I got my family, if you’ll pull the plug out of that filthy thing there, ’till I can let my family eat. You just pull the plug out.”

75 Them old rock and rolls, and boogly-woogly, and every that kind of stuff, it’s a disgrace. It makes me so nervous, you can’t eat. I—I—I don’t mind it myself, ’cause I got a little gear I can pull myself in and just keep thinking about God, and I don’t hear it at all.

So after awhile (He was single then, before he was married.), some little lady would tip by, and he said, “Daddy, hasn’t she got pretty hair?”

I said, “Who?”

He said, “Daddy, all you think about is the Bible and God.”

I said, “Thank you, honey. That’s a very nice compliment. That’s all I want to think about.” That’s right. Think… If I can just keep my mind settled on Him all the time, that’s all that’s necessary.

60-0713 – “Blind Bartimaeus”
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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