
Episode 279: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 245

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Episode Summary:

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)

17 So we people are more or less going after gifts instead of the Giver. See? We must come back to the place where… You’re wonderful people, but you must come back first. And the key that unlocks the door to everyone… We’ve left the key and rushed for the door. So when you get there, you find out the door don’t open, because you haven’t got the key.

Oh, I’ve often said this, that in my world travels, I’ve found two different classes of people: One of them is the fundamentals, the group that I come out of: Baptists. Positionally, they know where they are, but they haven’t got much faith with it. And then the other is Pentecostals. They got a lot of faith, but don’t know who they are.

It’s just like a man’s got money in the bank, and he don’t know how to write a check; and the other man hasn’t got no money in the bank, yet he can write a check. If you could get the two together you’d have it.

Now, what the church is lacking is Divine love. I don’t mean affectionate love for one another. I mean the Agapao love, the godly love. And have it so richly in your heart until you just love the Lord and everything… You just take His Word for it. You don’t mistrust Him.

18 My wife is setting present. When we were married, I took her to be my wife, and promised to live faithful to her until death separated her; and she promised—separated us; and she promised the same to me. Now, it isn’t a law. When I leave and go overseas, or somewhere, and be away a long time, I don’t have to go say, “Now, Mrs. Branham, I’m going to lay down the law to you. While I am gone, I don’t want you flirting with any other husband, and I don’t want you doing so-and-so.” I don’t say that.

Now, she doesn’t come to me and say, “Mr. Branham, and then I’ll tell you. You’ll not flirt with any other wives, and you mustn’t do this or that.” We don’t think that. We just love each other. When I get ready to go, we kneel in the room and take hold of each other’s hands and raise the other hand to God, and say, “Thank you, Father, for being so kind to us and for helping us. And now we must separate because You said, ‘If you won’t forsake wife, children, and all, and cleave after Me, you’re not worthy to be My disciple.’ And now, Father, no matter what I would do, I’m still not worthy to be Your disciple, but this is such a little thing that we can do, but we’re willing to do this little thing to—for love, that we have for You, as we know You have for us.”

19 When we get through praying, I kiss her good-bye and say, “Good-bye, sweetheart.”

She’d say, “Good-bye, I’ll be praying for you, Billy.” That settles it. There’s no “thou shalt not,” and “thou shall,” nothing about it.

Now, when I’m out into the field, and when I’m out there… And yet, I would know, and I… She don’t have to worry about me. I don’t worry about her. As long as I love her the way I do, she’ll never have to worry. And as long as she loves me, I’ll never have to worry. So we got confidence in each other, as husband and wife, that we love one another, and that just settles it. We don’t… We just go on the regular routine of life.

56-0814 – “Divine Love And Sovereign Grace”
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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