
Episode 155: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 121

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Episode Summary:

And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him. And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee? And many other things blasphemously spake they against him. (Luke 22:63-65)

77 Now, they asked Jesus for a sign, and He told them that, “A—a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after signs.” And, now, I know there is an interpretation that He was meaning them. That’s true. But I’m going to just carry it on, having a compound meaning.

78 When did we ever have a more wicked and adulterous generation than we have right now? A wicked and adulterous generation! They will say to you, go out on the street, say, “Are you a Divine healer?”

“No. Christ is.”

79 “Well, if you’re a healer, or you believe, you say you’re a healer; I know a guy is down here sick, come heal him. I know you say you raised the dead; a man died and you raised him up? We got a graveyard full of them down here; prove it to us.”

80 Remember, that’s that same old devil that said, “If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be bread.”

81 It’s the same old devil that put a rag over our Lord’s eyes, in the palace that morning, covered up His eyes, and they took a stick, those drunken, brawling soldiers, and hit Him on the head with it, and then passed the stick, one to another, and said, “We understand that You know the secrets of heart. We understand that You’re a prophet. If You’re a prophet, prophesy and tell us who hit You. We’ll believe it then.” See, that’s that same old devil. See? God don’t clown for nobody.

82 It’s the same old devil that said, “Come off the cross. Let’s see You perform a miracle.” That devil lives today.

83 And Jesus said, that, “A wicked, weak, adulterous generation would seek after a sign, and they would get it. For as Jonas was in the belly of the whale, for three days and three nights, so will the Son of man be in the heart of the earth.” Then what kind of a sign was He speaking of? A sign of the resurrection. And after two thousand years of Gospel preaching, two thousand years of criticism, the Bible has rode through all of it. And, tonight, Jesus Christ is in our midst, in the power of His resurrection, doing the same things He did when He was here on earth. This is that weak and adulterous generation.

63-0628e – “A Greater Than Solomon Is Here”
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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