Episode 154: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 120
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Episode Summary:
Wherefore then hast thou brought me forth out of the womb? Oh that I had given up the ghost, and no eye had seen me! I should have been as though I had not been; I should have been carried from the womb to the grave. (Job 10:18-19)
92 There was a man one time, named Job, one of the oldest prophets in the Bible. He was a great man. He had—he had loved the Lord, and he done all he knowed how to do. And Satan desired to sift him, so he said to God one day…Yeah, God said to him, rather, “Where have you been, Satan?”
93 He said, “Oh, walking to-and-fro and up-and-down on the earth.”
94 He said, “Have you considered My servant Job? There is none like him in the earth. He is a perfect man.”
95 “Oh,” he said, “sure, You give him everything, do everything for him. Certainly, he’s a great man. But let me have him one time, I’ll change the tune. I’ll make him curse You, to Your face.”
96 He said, “You can’t do it.” That’s His confidence in a believer. Why? He is Infinite. He is Eternal. He knows the end from the beginning. He knowed Satan couldn’t do it. For, He is the Word, He knowed what Job would do.
97 Now, remember, Job, he broke him out in boils, killed his children, took everything he’s had. His health was gone. Even his comforters came, and they couldn’t do nothing but just accuse him of being a secret sinner. And old Job got in such a place until he got so distressed.
98 You have to get in distress, first. You have to get to a time where you’re at the end of the road.
99 Job got into the end of the road, when he said, “Cursed be the day that I was born. May the sun not even shine, and may the moon not shine by the night, may the name never be called.” And in that distress, then Jesus came along. He looked down, and he said, “I see, as a man, a flower die, and it rises again in the spring. If a tree blows down, it comes up again through the scent of water.” He seen all botany life living again, but said, “A man layeth down, he giveth up the ghost, where is he?” He knowed he was an old man. He said, “His sons come to mourn over him, and he perceive it not. Oh, that Thou would hide me in the grave and keep me in the secret place, till Thy wrath be passed. Appoint me a time and set me a time. We went…” And going on like that, talking. He was at the end, of his distress, “What would happen? The leaves live, they come back in the trees, the flowers come back again, everything else come up, but a man layeth down and giveth up the ghost!” He was in distress. He didn’t know what could happen to him, and him at that age.
100 When he did, then Jesus came along. God pointed his head towards the sky, and he saw Jesus coming in the last days.
101 That darkest of hour when his wife said, “Curse God and die the death,” yet he said, “Woman, thou speakest like a foolish woman. The Lord gave, and the Lord taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord.” Even his wife turned him down. His church turned him down. Everybody turned him down.
102 In that dark hour, where he didn’t know where he was going from there, Jesus came along. Then he screamed out, “I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He’ll stand upon the earth. And though after the skin worms destroys this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see for myself.” In his darkest hour, then Jesus come along. Yes, sir.
64-0213 – “Then Jesus Came And Called”
Rev. William Marrion Branham
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