
Episode 152: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 118

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Episode Summary:

And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had. (Luke 21:1-4)

4 Now, if I buy one myself, and somebody come by and say, “Brother Branham, I like that, wished I had one.”

I’d say, “Go ahead and take it.” But if somebody give it to me, there couldn’t be nothing take it. You’d have to take it when I had my back turned, the only way to get it. ’Cause I appreciate anything, no matter what it is.

And little things that you would think didn’t mean nothing, maybe some people think they’d throw them out, just little old trinkets and things, little mussel shells from Africa, or something like that. I save every one of them. I remember them too, because they come from somebody.

Gypsy Smith, I believe it was, once said that the greatest offering that he ever had, outside of salvation… Said, “One night he was going to have a love offering taken up from it, for him.” I think, by the way, that’s the reason he was put out of the Salvation Army, was taking an—an offering, or something… No, it was something somebody give him, a watch or something. I believe you’re not supposed to do that in the Salvation Army.

5 But said, “That all the people would—had give him a love offering. And from the depths of their heart they’d done it.” Many of those people’s in glory tonight and their reward is with them for helping that wonderful man of God. And he said one striking thing. When he started to leave the audience that night, standing back behind the curtain was a little girl, ragged, and she had a little present wrapped up in her hand. And she said, “Give Mr. Smith,” said, “this is all I have, but this is my love offering to you.” And when he got outside and unwrapped it, it was a lollipop, been licked on a little bit. But she happened to think that she… It was all she had to give.

6 He used to tell how he—how it got him. That’s right, it’s all she had. You know, the One Who watched the widow put in the two pennies tithings that time, He seen that lollipop, don’t you believe so? Sure He did; He sees everything. No matter how insignificant it is, Jesus said, “Isn’t two sparrow—isn’t two sparrows sold for one farthing.” And a farthing is a fourth of a penny. Two sparrows, one farthing, one fourth of a penny will buy two sparrows, how insignificant. And said, “There’s none of it… neither of them… No sparrow could even fall without your Father knowing about it.” He knows everything, doesn’t He? So isn’t it wonderful then just to lay our hearts right out before Him?

And I want to thank each and every one of you for your cooperation, you pastors. And if your pastor’s not here, and he spoke about the meeting and whatever, give him my love and regards, sincerity. And my prayer is for him that your church will be—become a great spiritual lighthouse and great revival will be in your church, each one of you. I don’t care what church you belong to; that doesn’t matter a thing to me, and I’m sure it doesn’t to God either. Just… You’re the one He’s after, is you.

55-1009 – “The Way To Have Fellowship”
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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