
Podcast Episode 2: Physical Exercise VS Spiritual Exercise

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Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Ten Thousand Worlds Podcast. My name is Luis Urrego go and I’m very happy to be here with you on this another late afternoon. I just got back from work a while ago ate some dinner and. I just felt very pumped to just record this this podcast for today. This is episode two of the Ten Thousand Worlds Podcast, and I’m so glad that you could join us today and and just share.

[00:00:33] And me just me being able to share a little bit about God’s word and certainly it is a privilege and an honor in this day and hour to be able to minister unto the people via this platform and just like I’ve told others before, you know, we just take advantage of what of the knowledge of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil and take advantage and use it back against [00:01:00] Satan, right?

[00:01:01] So that’s what we’re certainly here to do. And though we appreciate you joining us and taking your time out of your day to listen to this podcast. I want to go right in and I appreciate all of your support since we launched the the website and also the YouTube channel. And the Facebook page and if you haven’t checked it out yet you can do so the website is ten thousand worlds.

[00:01:29] So it is, which of course the K is 1000. So and there you can view our latest posts and also even listen to the podcast from there. As well, so hopefully you receive a blessing out of that and and share it with others that they might be that they might be blessed as well.

[00:01:58] One of [00:02:00] the things I guess you could call it the tag or the motto of the of the website is. And of the whole this whole program is 10,000 world’s your soul’s worth more than you think and. And I’d like I’ve said before and I said it in the first episode, you know, I want to make a big deal about your spiritual walk with our Lord Jesus Christ.

[00:02:26] And so it is it is of utmost importance in this hour as Believers for us tonight. Neglect our walk with our Lord Jesus Christ do not neglect the fact of such a great word that God has given us in this our day to be able to even have the word of God. In our in our reach so easily now we can just carry it everywhere.

[00:02:57] If you imagine. Just imagine that [00:03:00] back a hundred fifty two hundred years ago, maybe three hundred years ago. Nobody hardly had access to the scriptures and the only ones that really had a tight grip in a tight. Hold on. The scriptures was the Catholic church at the time. So if you wanted to get the word you had to go to the Catholic church, and you had to hear the priest read the word to you and it wasn’t until some of the protesters such as Martin Luther.

[00:03:31] We all know the story that they started coming out protesting the Catholic church, and and. In allowing for the word of God to not only just be for the priests and for the Catholic church, but to be accessible for everyone to be able to access and read the word of God. Of course as the word of God was was was red and it was obtained by more and more people they started seeing for themselves the valuable [00:04:00] things in the and the gold for their spiritual life and for their souls that the word of God contained that they were not getting.

[00:04:09] Directly from the priests. And so nowadays you fast forward now 200 300 years and now we have the word of God not just in book format, but we have it also in digital format and on your phone right now on your iPhone. On your Android phone on any device that you that you might have your tablet, whatever device you might have.

[00:04:32] You probably have the Bible installed on your own there. I’m just want to bet I want to bet. Well, I don’t want to bet I just I just know that that you do most Christians do and it’s probably one of the most popular apps there is. I guess outside of Facebook and maybe YouTube and some other ones Snapchat Instagram.

[00:04:54] But anyways, not to get sidetracked. The Bible is probably one of the [00:05:00] most popular apps right now out there. And so what a privilege it is to be able to carry the whole word of God in a little device called a cell phone a tablet. Not only that. We also have the word of God. Over 1100 messages that were preached by the prophet of our day William Marion Branham that used to be on reel to reels.

[00:05:25] And or you had to carry a bunch of physical tapes with tape recorders around just to be able to hear the word of God to be able to have the message to go along with you now you can. Have that those messages along with the Bible in just one out in one even in just one app. Maybe even it in just in one and one device.

[00:05:54] What a blessing it is in this hour saying so I say that to say this that on the [00:06:00] day on the day of judgment many people will not have an excuse that have heard the word of God and have. Have wasted their the the privilege of the the accessibility of the word of God that we have in this hour so we certainly want to take advantage of those things because we don’t want to be counted before God that the Lord has made these things to us available and we waste and what did we do?

[00:06:34] Did we waste our time or did we take advantage of these of these things? So today as we get along go along with on the program. I will be riding solo again today, but in really soon I am going to be having some interviews lined up one of my next step on my next episode. I’ll probably [00:07:00] be having an interview with with.

[00:07:04] With an individual and we’re trying to get those things cleared cleared up right now, but I trying to get those things, you know, just set up right now, but I will announce at a later Point what that who that individual will. And I’m also going to be having my daughter Bella. You ready go on my on the podcast and to be able to share with you young people what it is to go to a public school as a message believing Christian girl and she is in 7th grade right now.

[00:07:46] And of course, she’s experimenting a lot of different. Changes and a lot of different things in her life new things that are coming up in her life around [00:08:00] her and just just seeing different things that she hasn’t seen before and so I want to I want for her to share with some of you 13 turu, you know enough.

[00:08:18] What it is to be in a public school at that age and we certainly appreciate the Lord for having for keeping her. She has a good head on her shoulder and we just but you know what? If the Lord if she if the Lord doesn’t do the work, I can’t do the work. Neither can my mom do the work we can only take her so far, but she ultimately has to have her own experience in her own relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

[00:08:51] We can’t do it for her. So but she she loves the Lord and she really and truly loves the word of God. And so I want her to just [00:09:00] share her her testimony and a little bit about what it is to be in public school as a Christian in this day and age, so that’ll probably be for the maybe the next episode.

[00:09:14] But in the meantime today Saints, I am going to speak to speak to you about something that’s been on my heart. And I wrote a post about it this morning. It’s on the website 10K world’ and the title of the post. I entitled it physical exercise versus spiritual exercise. Now I’m taking this from the scripture here in 1st Timothy where Paul is talking to 2 Timothy.

[00:09:50] Now if you remember Timothy was a young a young man at the time when Paul was speaking to him Paul was grooming him was was trying to [00:10:00] be a mentor to him a spiritual Mentor spiritual father if you want to say it that way. Not because Paul was forcing himself on to but Paul saw the the desire that was in Timothy.

[00:10:15] And in in one place. Paul said that he saw the same desire in Timothy that was in his aunt Lois. I believe was it was an aunt who’s a relative of Timothy of Timothy’s and it was a Godly desire. A desire for the word of God a desire for more of God a desire to to serve the people through the word of God.

[00:10:42] So Paul here is speaking to Timothy and if you want to read 2 Timothy if you want to read here in 1st Timothy chapter 4 here, he’s talking to this young man and I talk to you young man out there listening to this podcast right now.  It’s. [00:11:00] We can take the example here of Timothy.  Oh, yeah sure. He was a minister because God called him to be a minister and Paul ordained him in the in the gospel.

[00:11:13] But you know what? He had the same passions. He had the same desires. He had the same Temptations and he had the same troubles and in challenges that you and I face today. As as men and as young men you see but his desire his heart’s desire. His heart was for the word of God and that’s the key sites.

[00:11:36] That’s the key. You may fall you. May you may stumble you may walk you may you may make mistakes. But what where is your heart at is your heart in the things of the world or is your heart for God matter of fact, I created a little video. We made a little video. They’re entitled entitled. Do you want [00:12:00] more of God or do you want more of the world?

[00:12:01] And it’s what it is is basically a quote or brother branham’s where he’s talking about Ruth and how she gave up her Heritage her her own people in order to go to with Naomi and with the with the children of Israel and and be part of them. You see her being a gentile be part of them Lettin go of the old and here comes the new you see and that’s what it’s all about saying.

[00:12:27] That’s what is all about serving Christ in this hour. It’s not one foot in the world or what and one foot in in in in in in the church, but it’s all about either you’re completely in or you’re completely out. You can’t be wishy-washy and a lot of people and it’s and it’s preached that way that it’s okay.

[00:12:49] A to be a wishy-washy believer in in this hour that it’s that it’s all right to be a little partaker of the world and in particular of Christ besides, [00:13:00] it’s not it’s not. All right, because. That won’t help you that won’t help you in your spiritual walk. You see because when you’re supposed to have the mind of Christ fully the mind of Christ within you now you’re sharing it with the things of the world and with the things that with the outside things that have nothing to do with the word of God.

[00:13:22] So now your soul is struggling you want the things of God, but at the same time your flesh wants the things of the world. So you see it’s like that black and white dog that that brother Branham talked about.  It’s the which one is going to win?  It’s whoever which one you feed the most if you feed the spirit and the and it will manifest outside on the Flesh and if you feed the the soul then it that’s what’s going to manifest.

[00:13:56] That’s what’s going to take over and manifest on the [00:14:00] outside. Why did Jesus said whatever’s in the heart will manifest on the outside you see so get back here to First Timothy chapter 4 I get I get off on these Lowrance here and I apologize but here in first Timothy chapter 4 now. Remember our thought is I thought is physical exercise versus.

[00:14:21] Spiritual exercise now Paul says here in 1st Timothy Chapter 4 Verse 6. It says speaking to Timothy if thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things Thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ. Now in the first in the first several verses Paul, he’s admonishing Timothy. You can read it for your own self about other other other spiritual matters and.

[00:14:47] But Paul here is telling him that if you put the brethren in remembrance of these things Thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, and that is that is our key for you young person you [00:15:00] young sister you young you young brother. Is for us to be able to share and to manifest the Lord Jesus Christ to this Dying World and not just to the dying world, but also to the Brethren around us you see because I’m gonna I’m gonna put it this way when a young person is on fire for God and when you see a Zeal in a young person, I’ve been I mean, I’m a missionary and I’ve been out in the mission field and I’ve seen.

[00:15:30] Not just in the mission field. I see it here in in the in the states as well at the youth camps that are that are that are that are around the country and things like that when you see the young people on fire for God my goodness that does that Sparks a fire even in the adults. Because it’s an encouragement to us to see a young person on fire in in having a Zeal for God and you see [00:16:00] and so the gives us a hope to say wow.

[00:16:03] The gospel has hope in this generation and let me tell you what st. The gospel has had. Hope and has and has accomplished exactly what is needed to accomplish in all the ages and it’s going to accomplish fully even in this age. It doesn’t matter how dark it is. It doesn’t matter how how low how how scary it may be.

[00:16:30] The word of God is going to be fulfilled. There are going to be Overcomers coming out of this age. And let me tell you what Saints there’s going to be older Overcomers elderly Overcomers. There’s going to be middle-aged Overcomers. There’s going to be kid Overcomers. There’s also going to be young people young man.

[00:16:50] Young women Overcomers in this our young young teenagers that are overcoming sin that are overcoming the world that are [00:17:00] overcoming themselves because brother Branham said that what is my greatest? Enemy the greatest enemy is the one that you look in the mirror. It’s you it’s not Facebook. It’s not YouTube.

[00:17:13] It’s not it’s not pornography. It’s not it’s not bad movies. It’s not it’s not none of these things. It’s you because you decide if you want if you want to serve the Lord or not. Choose you this day whom you will serve Joshua told the people of Israel. And so you’re the one to decided. I’m going to go this route.

[00:17:36] Or I’m not going to go this route. I’m going to make this decision or I’m not going to make this. You decide God doesn’t Force you but whatever we decide we reap what we sow and so it’s important saints that we are led by the word of God and the we are that we hold the word of God and as necessary food for [00:18:00] our life that if our soul because if in it and in such a way just like you love your here in the South we have the southeast we have.

[00:18:10] Chick-fil-A everywhere and you may you may have Chick-fil-A the where you’re at. Hopefully you do. It’s very very good. I used to work at Chick-fil-A. I worked there for four a few years back in the early 90s good place to work. If you’re young people if you’re trying to look for a job, apparently they they pay a good they’re starting pay I think around $17 if I’m not mistaken, but really good company, especially nowadays to work for anyways.

[00:18:41] that didn’t cost you anything, but.  So get back to the point here. So just as you love your Chick-fil-A and you and that’s necessary food for the body. That’s [00:19:00] the exact same way that we need to see the word of God. It means that you can’t go without it. You’ve got to have it and if you don’t have it you perish in this case your soul will perish because the only thing that if you have the Holy Ghost.

[00:19:16] And the Holy Ghost which is the life of God in your soul. That’s the new birth. And if you have the Holy Spirit in your life, the Holy Spirit can only feed on the word of God.  It came feed on Marvel Comics. It can’t feed on on on Fortnight. It can’t feed off of any of these other things only on the word of God, so.

[00:19:44] Getting back to the the verse here where Paul is talking to Timothy. He says Thou shalt be a good Minister. If you put the brethren in remembrance of these things he says here.

[00:19:56] Nourished up in the words of Faith were reading from verse 6 nourished up [00:20:00] in the words of faith and of good Doctrine whereunto thou Hast attained so Timothy had attained a very sound Doctrine and we know that Paul being the church age messenger his his Doctrine was in par with with the doctrine of Jesus Christ verse 7, but refuse profane and old wives fables in other.

[00:20:24] Stop listening to things that you don’t know if they’re real or not or if they’re true or not. You see he called Paul called him here old wives fables, you know, the saying of you know, just different little sayings things that maybe you might have you might picked up and you learn maybe from even your parents or even from.

[00:20:44] From from your grandparents, you know just little sayings or me maybe things that are not really based on the word of God. You see they may be good maybe something from Greer’s Almanac or something like that, but don’t Paul here telling [00:21:00] Timothy don’t make that your standard refuse them. Amen and look what he says here and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.

[00:21:13] So Paul here is not Paul here is is telling Timothy to exercise. In other words do everything you can on a daily basis to exercise to grow unto godliness. You see. And in that in that godliness right there, if you look back in the post that I had written there on the website, but I speak about that that godliness.

[00:21:37] Is it in the dictionary defines it as as a. As piety or the act of being religious but it it when brother Brandon preach the statue of a perfect man. And he talked about there in I believe is in second Peter or first Peter where Peter is breaking down the stature of a perfect man, and he comes to Godliness [00:22:00] brother branham’s says that the definition for that godliness is.

[00:22:05] To be just like God to be just like God and that’s what Paul is telling here Timothy. He’s telling him forget about these old wives fables and all these things out at external things and exercise yourself do whatever you need to do to exercise thyself rather unto godliness. Verse 8 says for bodily exercise profiteth little.

[00:22:37] So Paul here is not saying that exercise physical exercise your push ups your setups your lot lunges. Your whatever names are out there that they have your Spider-Man push-ups or whatever they have. I’ve done some of those. Paul [00:23:00] here is not saying that though that physical exercise doesn’t profit at all.

[00:23:05] You see, I believe God wants us to take care of our bodies. He doesn’t want us to to defile our bodies because our bodies in another place our bodies in another scripture. The Bible says that our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Ghost. So we’re not going to we’re not going to have our bodies, you know.

[00:23:26] Be defiled where you don’t take care of it over you don’t or you don’t you don’t maintain it, but.  Paul wants Timothy to know into into.  he wants him to see that exercise and bodily doesn’t exercise the soul because look what he says here for bodily exercise profiteth little but godliness. Is profitable unto all things so exercising the physical body is [00:24:00] okay, but it doesn’t help you.

[00:24:01] Spiritually. It only helps your your physical man and let me tell you young people your physical man is going to continue to get older and is going to continue to die out and if you and if you don’t have the Holy Ghost and it with by the new birth in your life. You don’t have the hope of of having that that that hope that we are we are going to have a brand new bodies and it’s not that it’s a body.

[00:24:33] That’s that’s new but it’s that this body is to be re renewed. You see because when Jesus Christ died and raised from the grave, he didn’t get a new body. He had that same body that he died in was made a new was made young again you see and so I say this young people that us older ones, [00:25:00] you know, I’m nearing 40 years old and of course, you know and as compared to others others that are older than I of course.

[00:25:07] I’m I’m very I’m very young, but I would love to feel the the bigger. And the strength and the agility that I had when I was 20, 20 18 to 21 years old, but you know what? I’m promise that I’m going to be back at that same position again. I’m promised that if I walk in the things of God if I if I continue in the word.

[00:25:35] Jesus said if you continue in my word then are ye my disciples and did I indeed? I’m promise that my body shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet sound. Amen. So Paul here talking to Timothy and he tells him for bodily exercise profiteth little but godliness is profitable unto all things.

[00:25:57] In other words wanting to be like [00:26:00] God being like God. We’ll get you anywhere. There’s nothing that you can’t do for for Paul said in Philippians 4:13. I can do all things through Christ. Who is God and who only godliness comes from I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me?  So when you feel weak and you feel tired.

[00:26:29] And you feel like oh my goodness. I’m not getting anywhere with my exercise or only my exercise at you feel like my exercising and and and and you know, I’m putting more time into trying to get big biceps and trying to get big chest in six packs. You know, I’m happy that with the one pack that God gave me.

[00:26:52] And I’ve tried to gain a six pack and then let me tell you it’s tough. You have to put a solar hole [00:27:00] concentration in and you had to put a lot of time in to be able to build that six-pack.  But if you’re putting that in your life over the word of God over spending time in the word reading your Bible praying everyday seeking the Lord wholeheartedly if you put.

[00:27:20] Bodily exercise over-exercising godliness.  Amen that you’re not then you’re not going to be able to be profitable unto all things.  Because exercise will only help you only in your physical body. Excuse me.  It won’t help save another soul.  It won’t help send Bibles to another country. It won’t help.

[00:27:49] Um to be a minister and a witness unto others. What is your purpose for that physical exercise again? Nothing wrong with it? [00:28:00] And I do it myself. It’s wonderful. It makes you feel good. It makes the body feel relaxed. It’s a good especially when you do it in the evening time and then you go to bed my goodness the best sleep that you’ve ever you’ve ever had after taking a good cold shower.

[00:28:14] It’s wonderful but Saints. That can only take me so far that’s only Temple and the same thing goes with the things of the world young people elderly people middle-aged people whoever’s tuned in right now.  The things of this life Sate we’re living in Satan’s Eden. This is Satan’s kingdom and the things of this life, whatever it may be whatever it is that that that makes.

[00:28:45] You know that makes you tick it can be it doesn’t even have to be anything bad. It can be hunting. It can be it can be a bowling it can be whatever whatever it is that you love doing crochet nor [00:29:00] but whatever it is that makes you take don’t put that in in in the place of God. Don’t put that in the place of and thinking that that.

[00:29:11] Is going to eternally satisfy you when in reality it doesn’t.  Saints are in my own experience. I’ve experienced things like this where I have put in I’ve put other things before the word of God before before.  Before godliness, I guess you could say. And you know what an area every time every time and I believe it’s because the lord loves me every time.

[00:29:45] It never works out it all there. You always come to a dead end and then you realize my goodness. This isn’t bringing me the enjoyment the happiness the satisfaction.  That I [00:30:00] thought it was going to give me.  and then you. What you have to do is you have to come back.  Where you left Christ?  And wherever you left Christ whether it was in your prayer life or whether is was in studying and reading the word or whether it was in you obeying your parents or whether it was in you being a faithful servant or going to church consistently whenever the church doors are open.

[00:30:30] wherever you left Christ at. That’s where you’re gonna find him in Christ. Never left. You you left him. He’s just right there waiting for you to get back to that point because wherever we get sidetracked with we have the bad thing is and the tough thing is that we have to return back. We have to come back the same route that that that you took to get back to where you left Christ and Christ is right there waiting for you with an open [00:31:00] hand.

[00:31:01] Ready to give you exactly what you needed to fulfill that that desire that Satan perverted in you that thirst that you have for God because you have a thirst for God and so what Satan tries to do is he tries to come in and pervert it with the things of this world with some Facebook and with some video games and with some with some all these different things all.

[00:31:27] Things that are out there now that are taking people’s attention and drawing them away and making them make it giving them a low attention span. I think that’s called add.  People nowadays are add I think that’s how you say add. They just can’t maintain their focus. And then this hour if you want to get somewhere with God, you’ve got to focus on the word.

[00:31:51] You’ve got to focus on God. And that’s what Paul is here telling Timothy for bodily exercise profiteth little but godliness is profitable [00:32:00] unto all things and in the previous verse you see where where Paul was telling Timothy and exercise thyself, rather unto godliness. So in other words keep your focus on being like God and how do you be more like God by feeding on his word eating eating his word whatever you feed off of that is what you’re gonna become.

[00:32:21] When I was younger, I used to listen to hip-hop and I used to rap music was my thing. I used to love rap music and one of the things that I wanted to be was I love the radio and I loved I wanted to be a DJ and so I wanted to be one of these DJ scratching the the the records at a club and and things like that.

[00:32:43] You see one of those types of DJ’s. And thank God that I did I wasn’t I didn’t go that direction. Thank God that he took ahold of me at 12 years old before I went that direction.  But [00:33:00] whatever whatever you put your mind to do, whatever you put your your heart soul and mind to do. Whatever you put or to feed off of that’s what you’re going to become and that’s what I became.

[00:33:14] I used to be. I used to listen to hip-hop music and rap music. And what what what do you think I was going to be when when I would walk in the streets or go to school. How was I going to dress? How was I going to act?  I was going to be sagging my pants. I was going to have long chains and wearing and in and.

[00:33:35] You know acting like like like a pimp and all those types of things as how that’s how I was going to act because that’s what I was feeding off of but if we feed on Christ, amen, if you feed on the word if you feed on the good things of God, how what are you going to be like you’re gonna be like the word that’s a whole new different world, you know Aladdin and then they sang about a [00:34:00] whole new world.

[00:34:01] You know, what? You getting Christ you get in this in this world and in the world of Christ and the world of the word. Amen me tell you what is beyond a whole new world. Is it beyond that you we can’t even comprehend the things that are Beyond this life that we live in right now.  So Paul here continuing this to tell him but godliness is profitable unto all things having promise of the life that now is.

[00:34:32] And of that, which is to come you see my goodness, you put the things of God seek. Jesus said seek either those things seek those things which are above and not the things that are below because the things there are below down here on Earth, they will perish but the things that are above their eternal.

[00:34:54] So I want to wholeheartedly put my my thoughts [00:35:00] my affections my desires take them off take them off Fortnight. Take them off whatever you love the most whatever it is, whether it’s making money in business or whatever. It is fishing, whatever it is. If that’s taken your life your spiritual life over.

[00:35:20] Amen. It’s time for us to look at ourselves and say father. I want to build put my Treasures in Heaven. I want to build Treasures in Heaven because those Treasures they will not rust. They will not be destroyed. They will not thieves can’t come in there and take them.  amen. And Paul here continues in verse 9 and it says here this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance acceptation.

[00:35:53] Amen. So I want to encourage young people. I would encourage you listener to [00:36:00] amen anything that’s taking over your life. No matter what it is. It can be the most simple thing. It may not be even necessarily evil per se but whatever it is if that thing is taken over your spiritual walk with Christ and for you to build that spiritual man to have those spiritual muscles.

[00:36:26] Then it’s time for us to look at our lives and say father and say Lord. Where am I going with this? Where is this? Is this taking me in my building something in my building my own kingdom or whatever I’m doing right now. Is it building the kingdom of God? Is it going to leave a legacy a spiritual Legacy for others down the road when I’m dead gone and leave left this life that others can go back and say my.

[00:36:59] I’m [00:37:00] still gleaning from the from the life of that of that man or that woman or that young man or that young lady.  Because let me let me just talk talk a little personal to you young man young lady.  You’re not promised tomorrow.  I’m not promised tomorrow. And so I want to live my life and I want to I want to be involved in things that when at the time at the time of the funeral.

[00:37:28] When the time when they gather around my casket and everybody’s crying and it and everybody’s around Reminiscing on the times they spent with me and the times that they had with me and what I want them to say.  Is that that was a good husband? That was a good father. That was a good man. Amen. And that’s what you would want for them to say around when when they gather around their casket.

[00:38:00] [00:38:00] So ask this question and with this I’m going to leave you you asked this question.  when I die and this current state that I’m in right now, if if the Lord takes me if the Lord takes me are they going to be able to say positive spiritual things about. My life.  or are they going to say or are they not going to be able to say?

[00:38:29] Too much positive things or very little positive things good things about my life that you only you and God know that so I challenge you to look at your life. Look at yourself and ask this question. Am I am I. Exercising this physical man more or am I.  Exercising the spiritual man more [00:39:00] and whichever one you you exercise the most that’s the one that’s going to be the strongest.

[00:39:08] So st. I appreciate you tuning in today. I’m going with that. I’m going to leave you and I thank you once again for listening and make sure to tune in to the next episode if you haven’t subscribed yet. Make sure to subscribe. We’re on Apple podcasts on the Google podcast. We’re also on Spotify and a few other other.

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[00:39:52] They might have an opportunity to be blessed as well. I wish you a wonderful day a wonderful evening and whatever whatever time you’re listening [00:40:00] and I hope you join us again here on the ten thousand worlds Podcast. May God richly bless you.