Entries by Redicle Urdiciver

Checking In

My name is Luis Urrego and I’m so glad that you could join me today and take a few minutes out of your day to listen and watch this video today. I am the owner of the website, Ten Thousand Worlds and I wanted to just introduce myself and introduce what I’m doing, regarding these video casts or these video, these videos that I’m creating…

Podcast Episode 20: Celebrating A Milestone Through The Episodes

Welcome To episode number 20 of The Ten Thousand Worlds Podcast, My Name is Luis Urrego. I hope that you are having a blessed day or evening where ever you are listening from around the world. Again, this is episode number 20 and the final episode of this first season of the Ten Thousand Worlds podcast. I cannot believe we have made it to 20 episodes now of the podcast and it has certainly been an awesome experience for me to do this.