
Episode 26: Should A Christian Be Involved In Politics? – Pt.1

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Should politics have anything to do in a Christian’s life? Should we let politics guide our way of thinking or should the Word of God guide our way of thinking? We discuss these questions and more on this part 1 of this series entitled “Should a Christian Be Involved In Politics?

John 18:33-38
33Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews?

34Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?

35Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me: what hast thou done?

36Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

37Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

38Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.


[00:00:00] Luis Urrego: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Ten Thousand Worlds Podcast. My name is Luis Urrego. And if you’re joining us here for the first time, we certainly thank you for joining us on this, June 6th, 2020. We welcome you. If you’re a first time listener or first time, viewer, we welcome you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[00:00:19] And we trust that something is said today that would benefit you, in your walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. You know, one of the things that we mentioned around here is, regarding, you know, regarding the Ten Thousand Worlds, Ten Thousand Worlds, meaning, how much your soul is worth. In other words, there is no value to the the worth of your soul.

[00:00:44] And if we can put that into perspective, and if we could, if we could just concentrate more on that, I believe that we would get a whole, we would get a lot more out of, out of, out of life and, and out of, out of God, [00:01:00] because God is concerned about… Sure He’s concerned about your body.

[00:01:03] Sure he’s concerned about feeding you. he promised that he would do all these things, but you know what God is concerned about your soul. And he’s given us all the food for our soul that we, that we need. And now we need to do is taken, eat that food grow and come into, come into a spiritual harvest.

[00:01:28] Where we will receive a body change as the word promised it and, get, get out of here and go to a marriage supper of the lamb. And my, the believer in this day has so many great things to look forward to. And so, I believe that if we could just concentrate on the main thing and what is the main thing is our Lord Jesus Christ.

[00:01:53] The message of the hour, the word. Amen because that is the only thing that can feed the soul. [00:02:00] You can feed the soul with everything. You can feed the body with everything else, but you cannot feed. Your soul with what you feed your body with the soul can only be fed with the word with faith or without cause that’s the two as the two laws of the soul.

[00:02:18] You can either believe the word or you can doubt the word. And if you believe the word, the word will help you. But if you doubt the word that the word will not be able to help you. So, Thank you once again for tuning in, and we want to go ahead and get straight on this episode, and this could be a multi part episode, a multi-part, podcasts, several episodes, but we’ll see how it goes.

[00:02:43] And I’ve really felt, compelled to speak about this, regarding this topic. And, because it. It’s it’s very concerning yet. It is very, I believe it’s needful, to kind of bring some balance in this, especially in this our day [00:03:00] and the many things that we are, we are seeing, and we are seeing quite a few things taking place in the political arena, excuse me, in the, church arena and the medical world.

[00:03:16] Among other things. So, There’s lots to see lots to say about those things, but I wanted to just concentrate on one area because in this area that I’m about to talk about is, involves a lot of what is happening or the, the policies that are, that are taking place and the policies that are going forth that are affecting each and every one of us.

[00:03:44] And we can choose to decide to look at the natural aspect of those policies or the natural, happenings of those, of those decisions being made by, the ones in charge the [00:04:00] are, you know, the politicians, our president, and just concentrate totally on those things. Or step back and take a look and say, Lord, What is it that you are trying to do?

[00:04:13] Because I want to point this out. And if you don’t get anything out of this, out of this podcast episode, get this, understand this point. That to God, all that matters to him is to fulfill his word and for his bride to make herself ready. Let me repeat that again. All to the only thing that matters to God is to that his word comes to pass, to fulfill his word and that his bride makes herself ready.

[00:04:53] Now, anything outside of this, all it is is just a tool [00:05:00] in plans to bring. To pass the word of God. And so that is the mindset that we as Christians need to take, especially in this hour that we’re living, living in, that we can easily get so caught up in politics get easily. So caught up in the minutiae of what is going on and, and in the, and, and the things that are taking place in this hour.

[00:05:26] And, and I believe it’s a trick of the devil and I believe, I believe. Satan wants us to, to keep our eyes focused on the wrong thing, because let me tell you, he tried to do that to Jesus. So right before I get to that, I wanna, I wanna, just title this, should a Christian be involved in politics.

[00:05:48] Should a Christian be involved in politics. Now, going back to what I was saying regarding Jesus, Jesus was even, almost tricked by the, by the devil to [00:06:00] look to politics, look to power, look to the current, status, the current things that are taking place and seeing, and just looking at, look, looking at those things, seeing what was taking place, but God.

[00:06:14] But because he was the fullness of the word of the fullness of the word of God dwelled in him. He didn’t have time for that. He did, he could not give because that was not part of his kingdom. He knew that the power that Satan had was just given to him, he didn’t have that power. he didn’t, that power was not inherent to him.

[00:06:36] It was a power that was given to him by Jesus himself. Jesus himself gave him that power. So he was not going to, Mitt to that because he knew that that power that he had over the Kings of the earth, over the kingdoms of the earth and, all that was going to be temporal. And it was not going to be eternal.

[00:06:58] Jesus was about, [00:07:00] Jesus was about, Fulfilling and building a spiritual kingdom. And that was his whole purpose. That was his whole goal. He was not here to fall. He did not come to fulfill and to come build a natural kingdom. He came to fulfill and to start the process of building a spiritual kingdom and a spiritual kingdom, I preached the sermon just recently.

[00:07:24] Yeah, which I’ve preached a few times, but it was one of my favorite topics. And that is the mystery of the kingdom of God and what it all entails because the kingdom of God is something subtle and something that it cannot be seen. It it’s, it’s a growth, it’s something that cannot be seen. And therefore it’s hard to, to say that it’s a kingdom, but in reality, It’s a kingdom because that’s really how the kingdom of God starts.

[00:07:55] It starts with humility. It starts with meekness. It starts with the [00:08:00] things that man think are crazy and that are, are, are, are, they have no strength at all whatsoever,

[00:08:07] but

[00:08:07] Luis Urrego: [00:08:07] yet that’s how God builds his kingdom. And eventually God has a King. God will have a kingdom of physical kingdom to be established here on earth in the millennium.

[00:08:20] And of course when the new heaven and a new earth come together, that will be established. there, there will be a physical kingdom, but first it has to be spiritual. And I just want you, I want you to, to, to understand that point. So in light of that, in light of that, should a Christian be involved in politics, should a Christian be involved in it and gets so caught up?

[00:08:47] With what is going on, because let me tell you say it’s deceiving people. I see it in social media. I see it in, in, in, in, in the, in, amongst the Christian realm. And [00:09:00] I’ve, I’ve even fallen for this trap myself. You get so caught up in the political arena and you get so caught up in the, in the minutia of what is going on.

[00:09:10] And when I say minutia, it means is the little. Bits and pieces that the media just constantly pores put, you know, just pours important, pours out. They have an agenda, obviously, they’re they, they have, they’re, they’re controlled by governments. So they have, they have certain agendas that they need to fulfill.

[00:09:29] They’re just listening to their bosses. So should we get caught up in that? I think us as Christians should be a little bit more discerning than that. And not get so caught up in all this minutia because ultimately it will lead us to get away from the word of God, which is our absolute, which should be our absolute, which is the main thing that we need to concentrate on.

[00:09:53] Not, not on, not on the president, not on, not on the policies, not on the [00:10:00] stimulus stimulus bills and these things. Those things are great. And as we’ll see here in just a little bit, Now I’ll bring some quotes from, from our profit of this day, bro. brother Brandon, what he said about politics. And, I believe that we should pray for our president.

[00:10:17] I believe that we should pray for our leaders, but ultimately keep in mind that everything that is done is to lead to the fulfillment of the word of God. And that’s all the broad of Christ should be concerned about. And should care about not to have a better life here on this earth, in this current, kingdom, which is which Satan is the God of this, of this kingdom.

[00:10:46] And so why would we desire to live here in this current status in this current kingdom? Yes, we want the best for our children. Yes. We, we desire, to have the best that we can get. and there’s nothing [00:11:00] wrong with that. And I believe that you should. But that should not be your main goal. Your main goal should be to meet more like Jesus Christ.

[00:11:08] And let me tell you what Jesus gave up. He had the right to marry. He had the right to have a beautiful chariot. He had the right to, to all these things, but you know what? He gave all that up. The Bible says that he didn’t even have a place to even lay his head hardly. So he, he was, he was, he was wondering all he was, all he was concerned about was the kingdom of God.

[00:11:33] So in light of that saints, I want to speak about and let, let me just let me look at the time here and see how much, yes. Alright, so we’re good. We’re good on top, but in light of that, I want to, I want us to look at this scripture here in John chapter 18. Where Jesus is in front of pilot. And he’s talking to pilot white before when Jesus was going to be crucified.

[00:11:58] He’s talking to pilot here [00:12:00] and they’re discussing the kingdom. Now watch what pilot says here in John chapter 18. If you want to read with me John chapter 18, verse 33, it says the Bible says there den pilot entered into the judgement hall again. And called Jesus and said, unto him are Dow the King of the Jews.

[00:12:23] Now to pilot, he was only concerned about politics. He was a politician. He was a, a person that, that thought in those terms. And of course, you know, the, the, the Jews were, were, were accusing Jesus of making himself God and the King over them, which he was. They just didn’t recognize it and they didn’t know it.

[00:12:48]and so this is what, this is what a pilot comes to Jesus talking to him about and look what, look what Jesus replied to him in verse 34, he says, and [00:13:00] Jesus answered him say, is thou this thing of thyself? Or did others tell it the, of me in other words, is this something that’s revealed personally to you?

[00:13:11] Do you say this? Because you know, it. Or did somebody else, are you saying this because somebody else told you this, this is what Jesus was asking. Pilot answered in verse 35. Paula answered. Am I a Jew? See, he wasn’t a Jew. So he’s asking him, am I a Jew, your own nation? And the chief priests have delivered the unto me.

[00:13:34] In other words, these priests and your own and your own nation have brought you to me. So if, and, and so, and so is, has here, sorry, I lost my place here am I jus that know nation and the chief priest had delivered the unto me. What has thou done in other words, what [00:14:00] have you done? Verse 36. Jesus answered.

[00:14:02] My kingdom is not of this world. Now as Christians as message, believing Christians who believe that God sent a prophet in this day to preach, to re deem, not to redeem, but to bring us back to those pure gospel truths to re restore the word unto us so that we can, take a body change and be delivered out of here as that type of Christian.

[00:14:35] We should be thinking about this. Who are we, who are Christians who serve Christ? My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, Jesus continues in this first verse 36, then would my servants fight see his servants, his angels, his, his people, [00:15:00] you and I.

[00:15:04] That I, Jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world and with my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now is my kingdom. Not from hence in other words, now my kingdom is not of this world. Right? Verse 37 pilot therefore said unto him, art thou a King, then are you a King?

[00:15:29] Jesus answered because of what Jesus had said that he had a kingdom. See. And so Paul is asking him, are you a King? Then if you say that you have a kingdom, are you a King of this kingdom? And Jesus answered thou say, is that I am a King. In other words, you say that you’re a King. That’s the conclusion that you’ve come to that, that I’m a King to this, to this end, was I born.

[00:15:57] Jesus says, so he’s not denying [00:16:00] that he is a King and that he will be at a later point. The Bible says that he will be crowned with many crowns. He will be crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And he continues to say to this end, was I born for this? Cause came I into the world that I should be bear, witness unto the truth.

[00:16:21] Now look what Jesus says there. And that’s so key. He didn’t say I was born. I was born to be a King that I may, that I may change the, the, the, the political system that I may, that I may give money to the poor that I may, that I may, change the thought process of, of, of the people to look to the way, we should, pay.

[00:16:44]money or, or, or, or the tax system or change the tactics? No, he didn’t talk about none of those things. He didn’t even talk about even politics within church. He said that I should bear witness unto the truth. Now, [00:17:00] should that be the goal of the Christian? Shouldn’t that be the goal of you who says that believes the message of the hour?

[00:17:10] Is that your goal is that you’re. Your objective, when you say you serve God, you serve Christ, are you, are you getting so caught up with, with, with black versus white race divisions and, everything else that’s going on? And you forget the bigger picture that you should be bearing witness onto the truth, because let me tell you, we shouldn’t be like Christ and everything that we do and everything that we think, everything that we say.

[00:17:40] Should reflect that kingdom or, or the Lord Jesus Christ. And that w if we should be like, Jesus, and you look how Jesus lived his, his life, when he was here on earth, he didn’t live it for politics and he didn’t live it for, anything as such. He lived it only to fulfill the word of God. [00:18:00] He lived it only to bear witness of the truth.

[00:18:04] And he is the truth the way and the life. So, what should we be bearing? We should be bearing witness. We should be consumed, about bearing witness to the truth. In other words, consumed with the word, anything that has to do with the word, that’s what I want to be consumed about. That’s what I need.

[00:18:29] That’s what we, as near, as Christians should be concerned about bearing witness of the truth.

[00:18:37] And

[00:18:38] Luis Urrego: [00:18:38] so could Jesus continues. Look what he says here in that same verse, every one that is of the truth. Heareth my voice. I love that. I love that so much because everyone that says that you’re a Christian, that you follow Jesus Christ and that [00:19:00] the word is that is your absolute, that’s the voice that you need to be listening to.

[00:19:07] Not the voice of a politician, not the voice of, of, of, of president. Although we respect them, we respect politicians, especially, those who try to do the right things. But there’s something that I want to read to you here in just a moment regarding those things we should, we should, they should be okay.

[00:19:28] It’s okay. But that should not be our main goal and our main concern and our main purpose. Our purpose is to hear the voice and everyone that is up the truth here with my voice. Jesus says, so everyone that here that is of the truth, that is part of this kingdom that Jesus said that he was, he was, he was part of, and that he was going to be a King of.

[00:19:55] Everyone that is part of that kingdom should be consumed and concerned [00:20:00] about, about uplifting that kingdom about advancing that kingdom and not this current kingdom that you live in right now. And let me just finish this and pilot, Seth unto him. What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews.

[00:20:18] Now I believe that if pilot would have stayed, if would have stayed there after he had asked that question, what is truth? See, I believe Jesus would have told him. But according to that seemed like he said, what is truth? And then he just kind of slipped out and did what he needed to do. Went out again into the Jews and said unto them.

[00:20:37] I find in him no fault at all. Well, that was wonderful. But that wasn’t what was going to save him. That wasn’t what was going to give him eternal life, the truth. And the kingdom was standing right there in front of him and he didn’t even recognize it. He did not even recognize it. And I ask you the same thing, saints, [00:21:00] the truth, and the kingdom is right in front of us.

[00:21:06] And do we recognize it? Are we so consumed with everything else? Like pilot was concerned because he needed to judge. He needed to govern that, that land, the Jews concerned so consumed about the politics and the, and the events of that day. What was going on in failed to recognize the kingdom and the truth in flesh that was standing right there in front of him.

[00:21:33] What a thing to think about. And you don’t think that that could not be happening at this very moment too, to us as Christians, I believe it certainly is happening and it is, and I’m happy. And I see it before my very eyes. I see it in, in, in social media. I see it in, in the people, the way you talk, we talk with people and, [00:22:00] to the people I talk with, and it’s sad.

[00:22:03] It’s sad because they have let their mind get, get away their spirit, get away from what really matters most. And that is the word of God in this message that God has sent us in this day. Now you may ask yourself, I’m not going to be able to get all through all this, but you may ask yourself, well, Joseph and Daniel were involved in politics and in the Bible.

[00:22:33] Yeah, that’s, that’s a very valid question and that’s, that’s a very, it’s a very valid point, but you have to remember that God was the one who put them in that position that they weren’t, they didn’t ask. Joseph did not ask to become, the second in command, after Pharaoh. He didn’t ask for that every event that took place, that he was involved in from [00:23:00] the time that he was sold to Egypt by his brothers, when he was in the jail with the, with the two, with Pharaoh’s two servants.

[00:23:11] And, and then to the time that he was serving under part of her and what happened with him, we regarding Potiphar’s wife all the way up to this being second in command. It, it had to do with redemption. It had to do with fulfilling what the word of God, what God had already said, and didn’t have to do with, with Joseph’s personal politics or what he believed personally.

[00:23:40] It had nothing to do with, that had to do with what God was trying to do in order to fulfill his word, because God. God knows the beginning from the end. And the Jews had to be in a certain position. The people of Israel had to be in assert position in other words, so that it can affect the word of God, further down [00:24:00] the road.

[00:24:01] And so if what happened with Joseph did not happen, then we would not see the word of God to be fulfilled here. In, the promises and the things that are still yet to be fulfilled now that the Israel is it’s its own nation. It was established as his own nation again in 1948, 47, somewhere around there, but all those things would not have been taken place.

[00:24:29] If Joseph did not become the second in command, I believe all that affected that let’s look at Daniel. For example, Daniel was also. Thrown in, into this, political system there in Babylon, but he did not desire that himself. It was just that the gift that he had, just like the gift that Joseph had brought him to that position.

[00:24:55] And it led him to that position. And it was for what, for redemption, [00:25:00] again, it was for redemption. It was for to fulfill the word of God and at some point to bring them out from. The Babylonian rule to go back to their land. Okay. So don’t, don’t use those examples as an excuse that it’s okay as a Christian to be involved in politics because politics is a snare and it’s a, it could be a detriment to you as a Christian.

[00:25:31] And if you’re not, if you’re not careful, if you do not put God in first place, if you do not. Put things in there in the, in the, in the right order. And you could fall into that snare and completely be, denying the word of God completely be deceived that’s at a later point when you did run. Right.

[00:25:53] And when you started off, right. And you’d be deceived there at the end, and we don’t want that. I know that none of [00:26:00] us in our hearts, that’s what we don’t desire that. So Joseph, in Egypt, they didn’t choose his posts. Neither did Daniel. God put them there to fulfill that greater plan of redemption. Again, God is only concerned about fulfilling his word.

[00:26:14] Let’s keep that in mind. So this will help us keep a perspective, excuse me, as we’re dealing with. the events, the current events that are taking place, I’m not going to deny that these things are affecting you. And I, you know, sometimes, I’ve mentioned this before, but sometimes we’re not looking for politics, but certainly politics come knocking at our door, the choices and the decisions, and the laws passed by our politicians, by the people in power coming effect us.

[00:26:49] And so that’s when we have to just hold on to God’s unchanging hand and let him take complete control of our lives and let him be the one [00:27:00] who, who, who, who is able to fix these things and let us be consumed with that. So this is how God’s kingdom works. Look, look how look what, and with this I’m going to, I’m going to finish.

[00:27:15] And, we’re, we’ll probably continue this and another, another PO next week in another part, but this is how God’s kingdom works in Luke chapter 22, 22 verse 24 through 30. If you want to read with me there, the Bible says there, and there was also a strife among them. There’s amongst the disciples.

[00:27:34] There was also strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest. In other words, which of us should be the greatest. Which one of us should be the one who be in charge, you know, and Hey, that’s just human nature that somebody, we look to somebody who’s in charge. We look to somebody who, who has a certain rule who can, who can lead us because some of us, just need to be [00:28:00] led.

[00:28:00] And actually all of us are meant are to be that way. But look what Jesus says in verse 25 in the next verse. And he said unto them, The Kings of the Gentiles exercise Lordship over them. And they, that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. In other words, the Kings, the Kings of this, of the Gentiles of this current world that we live in because we are Gentiles the presidents, the governors, they exercise their power over us.

[00:28:32] Right. Which is fine. And we should respect them for, for, in that position that they aren’t, that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. And benefactors is somebody that does something good, a philanthropist or, or a, or a person who gives money for good causes. And so the, I couldn’t say that every, every government, every government does does this, but there are some they’re supposed to help their people.

[00:29:00] [00:29:00] Right. But Jesus says, but you shall not be. So you should not be that way where we exercise power over each other, but you shall not be so, but he, that is greatest among you let him be as the younger and he, that is chief as he, that, that does serve. For weather for weather is greater. He that sit at that meat or he, that service is not he that said at that meat, but I am among you as he, that service Jesus telling us there, him knowing the position that he was in and that he was God in flesh yet he was there serving washing feet, hanging out with.

[00:29:48] Sinful people only to try to bring them to the truth. And that’s why he’s trying to tell him. So that is that, [00:30:00] that I bring that this up because I want to point this out that this is the kingdom that God is trying to bring us to a kingdom of humility, a kingdom of servant servant, a service, a kingdom of respect, a kingdom of.

[00:30:16] Of valuing others before ourselves. It’s hard to see that in the political realm today, yet we hold. So dear certain politicians and certain things that they do, but in reality, what is, what, what are their true motives what’s really happening? What are they, what are they doing? And, and I believe again, we should pray for our, for our leaders, brother, Brandon prayed for, for.

[00:30:46] For the president brother, Brandon, pray for leaders, but really we should look at them in the scope of the word of God in the light of the word. And let me finish with this. You are, they which have continued with me in my [00:31:00] temptations, excuse me. And I point unto you a kingdom. Look at this and I appoint unto you a kingdom as my father has appointed unto me.

[00:31:12] I appoint to you. A kingdom. This is the kingdom that I’m trying to get you to exercise is what Jesus is saying. This type of kingdom, the kingdom of humility and respect and valuing one another. As my father had the pointer into me that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on Thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel.

[00:31:35] Now that is the promise for the, for the, for the disciples there, but. Before they got to that place. They had to experience the kingdom in them, in them first. And before we get to a place where we can become Kings and priests has God promised that we are, that we are Kings and priests. We have to have the King inside of us that we may judge [00:32:00] correctly, that we may judge properly.

[00:32:02] So with that, I want to leave you. I want to leave you with that. I want you to think about that again. Should a Christian be involved in politics? Should you get so consumed with what’s going on? That you just go everything. Every post that you post on Facebook is that has a political, a political stance to it, of some sort.

[00:32:23] And you’re forgetting the word of God. Be careful with that saints. It’s my admonishment to you, because let me tell you that is a, that’s a bad testimony for the center out there. That’s a, that’s a bad influence for the center out there who is sick and tired of the, of the politics and who wants something real.

[00:32:44] And they can, they’re not finding it in the political realm. They’re not finding it and marijuana and drugs. They’re not finding an alcohol and they’re not funding it. And in sex they’re finding it and they can only find it in Jesus Christ. [00:33:00] And you Christians, believers of the message of the hour who say that have Christ in you, the hope of glory, the Holy spirit, if you just concentrate on the truth and the kingdom.

[00:33:13] Amen. And I believe that you can help those people. Then you can help, not just the center, but also others who need spiritual guidance. But if all you do is constantly ranting about the political, the politics of this day and what’s going on in this day and the news media and all these things, as true as those things may be.

[00:33:32] And as but it, but if it’s not pointing people to Christ, if it’s not pointing people to the solution, then you’re wasting your time. I’m sorry to say. You’re wasting your time and you are falling short from what you’re supposed to be concentrated on is hearing the voice of that kingdom, which is the kingdom of God.

[00:33:55] So with that, I’m going to leave you st I hope that you received something from this, [00:34:00] and I hope that, that this would be more of a, benefit to you. Something that would, Get you to think because we are certainly living in the last days and let’s put our mindset on the right thing on the main thing.

[00:34:16] And that is the kingdom of God, of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. So with that, I will leave you again on this, about the third time I’ve said it, but, remember to make sure that everything that you do make sure defeat. That those 10,000 worlds in, you make sure to feed your soul, because that is the most important thing that you could do.

[00:34:42] And I believe that you will reap the benefits if you put God first in your life. So I may, God bless you. I hope

[00:34:49] that

[00:34:49] Luis Urrego: [00:34:49] you all have a wonderful rest of your day or evening wherever you’re viewing us or listening to us take care until the next episode, may God bless you. [00:35:00]