Podcast Episode 23: Think On These Things
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Episode Summary:
Episode Transcript:
Luis Urrego: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Ten Thousand Worlds Podcast. My name is Luis Urrego, and it is an honor and a privilege for me to be here with you today on this episode number 23 of the podcast, and I know that we have been offline or I guess not of insight for for a while, not, not. It had produced episode for it’s actually since February 8th.
[00:00:26] So I basically took a hiatus, I guess you could say. And if that’s how, that’s how you say it. But anyways, took a, I took a little break and with all the, everything has been going on lately, of course, it, it held me back even more. But I am back with you again and I look forward to serving you and also to be able to produce more content and something that hopefully will help you to grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ, and to feed that 10,000 worlds that is already in you.
[00:01:01] And I hope that during this time that you have been feeding off the word, that you have been a faithful to church and you’ve been faithful to the things that matter the most. And that’s. The endo and it’s those things, which is the word of God, feeding off the word, feeding off this message, especially in the time that we are living in for.
[00:01:27] We are certainly living in some very, very interesting. Interesting times. So I trust that this episode today is going to be a blessing to you. What I’m going to do is in the last few weeks, I have been producing a couple of videos that I’ve been taken from the book of Philippians chapter four so what are, what I’m going to do on this episode is I’m going to take those videos.
[00:01:55] And, just put them together, the audio of those videos, of course, and what I’ve been looking at, and I want to entitle this episode, think on these things because they’re in, in, in Philippians chapter four, Paul brings out some very, very key things, especially for us as believers in this hour that are so crucial when.
[00:02:22] When Satan wants to Rob the peace from us, the peace that that, that God wants to give us, and when Satan wants to Rob and wants us to think that there, there has to be an explanation for everything. Satan wants to just Rob. The time that we have for God and the peace that we have in Christ Jesus. And so I wanted to take this and share it with you for maybe you have already heard it because I have published these on Facebook as well as they’re on your YouTube channel, but not.
[00:03:00] I wanted to, I wanted to actually put them on a podcast episode. So on this episode, that is what we’re going to do. I want us to think on these things, and it comes to us from the book of Philippians chapter four verses one through eight. So I trust that you will receive a blessing from it. And when, when this part of the episode is over, I’ll come back and give my final thoughts and then we’ll go from there.
[00:03:26] May God bless you as you listen. It’s an honor and approach to be here today with you. And we wanted to take a look at a portion of the word of God today. And so the portion of the word that we want to take a look at is found in Philippians chapter four. What we want to do is in the next couple of videos we want to read through Philippians chapter four.
[00:03:48] Just to make a long story short, last week I was just praying to God and, and just needed some, some comfort, some peace in my heart regarding, you know, what’s going on, in our. Current world in our world today, currently. And you know, sometimes you take a look at, at the details of the news and so much news, so much information that’s out there and it almost overwhelms you.
[00:04:16] And what happens, what ends up happening is that you start becoming fearful. So. I said, Lord, what is a good scripture? I just, just praying and meditating the garden and God in the Lord brought this scripture to me, in Philippians chapter four, and as I was reading at st, I just wanted to say there, I was so blessed by, I was just porn, just crying like a baby as I was reading, because of the things that Paul mentions here, and he was talking to Christians here in Philippians chapter four.
[00:04:49] So basically, let’s just, I want to go ahead and take it verse by verse. I don’t want to make these videos long, so I want to, go ahead and just, let’s read, take it verse five verse, and maybe just kind of dissect a little bit, little, little points from each verse. And let’s see where the Lord takes us.
[00:05:07] So I wanted to read here in a, I have my. you can go to this website, christianity.com. And, we wanted, I wanted to put the Bible up in, in, Big font from Philippians chapter four. So let’s go ahead and get started. Paul. Again, he’s speaking to Christians. So this is for us. If you are a Christian, this is for us.
[00:05:29] Bible says, therefore, my beloved brethren, my therefore my brother, and dearly beloved in long form my joy and crown. So stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved. So in other words, he’s telling us here. Stand fast in the Lord. Now what does he mean by that? Well, he’s talking about stay firm. Stay true. Stay firm with what you have heard in what.
[00:05:58] You have, the, the word with the word of God that you have heard in this last day and so many, so easy for, for us to get sidetracked with so many things, especially in the hour that we live in, with so much news, so much information coming out that we get sidetracked. But Paul says here, and he’s admonishing the Philippian Christians.
[00:06:20] And of course that word is, this word is for us as well. So he says, so stand fast in the Lord. My dearly beloved, verse two says, I beseech you odious and beseech synthy. Yeah. These were believers, believers at that time. Yeah. Odious was a believer and Cynthia Kay was a believer and he was telling them, I ask of them, I beg of them, of these two believers that they be of the same mind in the Lord.
[00:06:53] Now, that’s so key because I’m, I’m reminded of what happened in, in, In the upper room when the 120 that went up there in obedience to the word of God, to the, to the word that Jesus told him to Terry in the upper room. And there you will be in dude with power from on high. And so the Bible says that when they came into one mind and one accord in the things of the Lord.
[00:07:21] God came on the scene and vindicated that word for them. And they received the baptism of the Holy ghost. And so that’s what is, Paul is trying to tell them here I BCG odious and beseech syndicate that they be of the same mind in the Lord. And last verse here before we, we, we, we end our, our video for today and I intrigued.
[00:07:43] The also true yoke fellow help those women, which labored with me in the gospel with Clement also and with other, my fellow laborers whose names are in the book of life. You know, Paul, in many instances and in many scriptures, he talks about helping one another. Be there to help one another and in this hour that we live in, what an opportunity that we have to help one another in whatever way we can.
[00:08:12] You know your own gift. You know what you can do. Don’t just sit around and just thinking about yourself, but do something and encourage somebody because somebody needs encouragement in this hour. I guarantee you that. And yesterday we. we’re discussing, taking a text from the book of Philippians chapter four.
[00:08:31] And we read from verse first, verses one, two, three. And we were talking about. Stand standing fast, in the Lord. In other words, stain, firm’s, stain, stain, true stain firm with what you, you have heard with what you have believed, which was was Paul was trying to tell the Philippians there to, to do.
[00:08:53] And so we want to continue a reading here, the next few verses and just kind of break those down for you. So let’s, let’s continue reading here. Alright. Yesterday we had finished with verse three and we want to continue with verse four and I hope that you find a blessing out of this and that it, that it strengthens you during this time in this, in, in the world that we live in today.
[00:09:17] But here’s what, what Paul continues to tell the Philippians. He says, rejoice in the Lord all way. And again, I say, rejoice now. When ever Jesus, whenever Jesus would say, verily, verily I say unto you, and whenever he would say that whenever he would give, was trying to bring a lesson or was trying to give a, bring a thought to the people when he was preaching to the people every time that he would say very rarely, that meant that they was something important.
[00:09:51] Something that you needed to pay attention to. And so the fact that Paul here is telling us twice, rejoice in the Lord all way. In other words, rejoice in the Lord in every way, in, in, in, in every aspect of your life. Rejoice in the Lord. And again, I say rejoice. You know, right now it’s a perfect time, for people, especially believers, the Christians to, to, to, to be, to get weak, to complain.
[00:10:27] People are losing their jobs. People are, are going through some difficult times right now. And it’s very, it’s a very difficult time and it’s a perfect storm for people to complain. But yet the Bible says for us to do the opposite. It says here in verse four, rejoice in the Lord our way. And again, I say rejoice.
[00:10:53] So how do we rejoice? We rejoice. By staying in the word of God. You know, the Bible talks about always making melody in your heart with songs that help you. I’ve never sung, I’ve never had a hard time where I’ve sang a song, you know, to praise the Lord and just trying to put my mind on the Lord with singing that it has not helped me to get in that atmosphere.
[00:11:17] And so, in one place when David was going through the hard times that he was going to be in. Being chased by Saul and Saul wanted to kill him. David would speak about, he had to find the joy within himself. In other words, sometimes it’s a little difficult. Sometimes the external things in this life can’t give us joy, but sometimes you have to seek it within you.
[00:11:47] And it’s there. It’s what you want. It’s what you’re craving. Therefore, if you’re craving it, then it’s got to be there. So it’s not time to be depressed, saints. It’s not time to be sad. It’s time to rejoice in the Lord. Why? Because his promises are coming to pass. His word is being fulfilled right now in, in our very lives.
[00:12:07] And prophecy is being, is being, is being fulfilled even in this very hour. And so. And so I say it rejoice. Paul says here, rejoice in the Lord. I’ll weigh in again. I say rejoice. So verse five continues to say, let your moderation be known unto all, man. The Lord is at hand and, and, and we can all say that right now.
[00:12:35] Definitely we’re closer to the covenant of the Lord than we were yesterday or the day before yesterday. You know, the, the, the, the time for the rapture of the saints is closer than what we were a minute ago. we know that time in God’s eyes is nothing to us. Time we live, we are time. we’re living in this time element and our bodies are subject to time.
[00:12:59] But you know what, for a believer. For a believer, the fact that the Lord is at hand or the, in other words, the fulfillment of God’s word to be fully completed is at hand. You know that Jesus Christ could not die on the cross even when while he was hanging on the cross, he could not die on the cross, fully give the his spirit over to God until our prophecy.
[00:13:27] All the prophecy, speaking about his death, speaking about what was to happen there on the, on the cross, just on the cross. Nothing, nothing. He could not die until those things were fulfilled. And so how much more right now in this, in this, in this present day saints, you know, because God, while all he’s concerned about is about fulfilling his word and for us as his brag to make ourselves ready, that’s how he’s concerned about, we can get so carried away with this, and this is hard.
[00:14:02] The virus came and this, that, and the other, this conspiracy or this, that, and the other. But you know what, saints, what matters to God is. His word to be fulfilled and for the bride to make herself ready to dress herself with that word. And so that’s what we need to be doing in this hour. And so let your moderation be known unto men.
[00:14:24] In other words, be be, let beat, I’m forgetting the word, but be, In other words, be balanced. Be a balanced person before all men. Don’t lean to one side a too much then, and then go to the extreme on the other side, but be a balanced person and be someone God has given us. we are free moral agents and he’s given us, we can choose and we have that, that, that privilege or that or that, that right.
[00:14:58] To choose whether we want to serve God or whether we don’t want to serve a God. Whether you want to eat eggs tomorrow morning, or whether you’d want to eat a cereal when bacon you see, we’ve given, we’ve been given that choice. And so with that choice. Comes the fact that we have to be moderate or we have to be balanced beings and not lean, but for ones to one side from the other, but always stay in the middle of the road.
[00:15:29] So this is what Paul is speaking to us here. The Lord is at hand, and in last verse it says here, be careful for nothing. My architect so many things about this. You know what? What? What is Paul trying to say? He’s not trying to say. Be careless or, but he saying, in other words, don’t worry about anything.
[00:15:52] Don’t fear nothing. In other words, why? Because fear brings torment first. John chapter four talks talks to us about that. So be careful for nothing. In other words, don’t fear anything. But in everything by prayer and supplication. With Thanksgiving. Let your requests be made known unto God. You know you’re going to do more on your knees, down on your knees than what you would if you were out there.
[00:16:28] If you were doing something else, thinking that it would make things better, thinking that it would calm you down. You’re going to do more on your knees. You’re going to make more changes on your knees than if you were sitting. All day long reading the news, listen into the negativity that’s out there, or for those who don’t really are concerned about what’s going on or don’t really care, and maybe sitting around watching Netflix all day.
[00:16:58] You know what? That’s not going to help you, but why will help you? And what will make changes is prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving. Let your requests be made known. Unto God. In other words, already thanking God. Paul’s telling them here prayer with Thanksgiving, you might, we might say, Lord, I don’t know what to pray.
[00:17:21] Well then just just start entering into a prayer. Just thanking God for what he’s already done in your life, and then. Just thank him for what he’s doing in your life, what he has done for you 40 30 2010 years ago for your children that God has given you for, for the life, for the food, for the roof over your head, with Thanksgiving.
[00:17:43] Make mate. Let your request be made known unto God. In other words, knowing that God, thank you Lord, because you are going to answer these requests. You know, you get, you get more from God just being positive. Then instead being negative. So that’s what Paul is telling us here. So we appreciate the Lord and we appreciate him for his goodness.
[00:18:05] And I just wanted to take a little moment here to continue with our, Bible study on the book of Philippians on chapter four. I know it’s been a few days since my last. a video that I recorded and we had stopped, I believe at verse six. So we’re gonna go ahead and look here in the word and, let’s see what the Lord has in store for us here with the next three verses that I hope that this is gonna this brings you a sense of peace during this time of storm that we are living in during this time.
[00:18:36] That of uncertainty that we are living in. But guess what, saints? And you know this, if you’re a Holy ghost, feel Christian, and that is that there is, there is certainty in Christ and there is you. You have nobody else, nothing else to turn to that is sure. That is an absolute other than the word of God in this hour.
[00:18:58] So that’s the reason why we look at the word. So we’re here in Philippians chapter four and I believe that last time we had ended with verse six. And, we’re going to continue here with verse seven. Again, I’m not trying to make these videos no more than five to 10 minutes, so we’re going to try to go quick.
[00:19:15] And so hopefully something was said that, something has said that would be a blessing to you. And the Bible says here in verse seven, and the peace of God, which passes all understanding. Now remember, this is Paul’s writing to the, to the Philippians. And he, he says here. And the peace of God because in reality, saints, and there is no peace in anything else.
[00:19:42] Satan has come in and this, this, this, this relates to the thirst, that a man has really for God in there. And that brother Brandon was talking about, prophet was talking about how that, that thirst has been perverted. So that’s the reason why. People go, and look to, to alcohol for a sense of, to sort, sort of quench that thirst or in this case, to have a sense of peace.
[00:20:11] Or they look for, for drugs to have that sense of peace. Or they look for a sex to have that sense of peace, or they look for anything else that’s outside of the word that truly gives peace. In order for them to really have peace. And then in reality, as you probably may have found when, if you were living out without Christ and you before you became a Christian.
[00:20:38] And the way I’ve, I’ve found out is that there is no peace in the things of the world, and there is no peace in anything outside of Christ. So Paul says here, and the peace of God, now watch this. This has really encouraged me in a blessed me, which passive. All understanding, you know, in everything that we see that’s going on right now.
[00:21:05] So many things, so many, so many. You do not know who to trust, who to listen to. And you can’t trust the media. You can’t trust governments. You can’t trust. But you can always trust, and I’ve always told my children as you can always trust the word of God. The word of God. The book itself has been with us for thousands of years and God has preserved his word and is the only one that those words have actually.
[00:21:39]cause a change in people’s lives and the are, and we know that it’s the revelation of those words. Because what is, what is the, the, what is the baptism of the Holy ghost? What is the new birth will, it’s a personal relationship. It’s a personal revelation. Of who Christ is to you. You see. And of course, it’s, it’s how the word describes who Christ is.
[00:22:05] And that person revelation has to, go in line with the word. But. This piece here is a piece that passes all understanding. So you may not understand what’s going on. You may not understand why my child does not, or my daughter, my son does not want to come to the Lord. Why my my father that I’ve been praying for so many years does not want to turn to Christ.
[00:22:28] Why my mom that I’ve been praying for, so for some so many years and God does not heal her from such and such issue. Well, you know what. And the peace of God, which passive all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ. Jesus. Oh my saints. If you, if you don’t, if you can’t turn and can’t find peace in anything else, you can find peace in this verse.
[00:22:55] I get, I guarantee you that right now. So that peace of God, and I hope that that encourages you because it certainly has helped me, in the time and this time when we’re trying to look for answers and we in, in, in with, with what’s going on currently in our situation with this virus. But you know, ultimately nobody knows the answers other than Christ and Christ has the answers to all things.
[00:23:21] So let that piece be the piece that God’s you in this hour, and not just in this hour, but in the hours to come in the days to come in the weeks and years to come. Let that piece be the one to guide you because that’s the only thing that will last. And it has, it has eternal Valley. Verse eight says, finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest.
[00:23:47] Watch this whatsoever. Things are just whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report. If there be any virtue, and if there be any, praise. Think on these things. Oh my just looking at Dan thinking of that. That’s exactly what God wants us to do, to think on these things, because what else can can, what else has such good, such a good report?
[00:24:27] What else carries a virtue? What else carries and what else is pure? What else is honest? Again, it’s the is the thing that brings peace. And it’s the word of God. Amen. So this is what Paul is telling us to do whatsoever things are true and whatsoever things, whatsoever things are true. And we know the word of God is true whatsoever things are honest.
[00:24:51] I don’t think anybody can dispute that. The word of God. Is not honest, unless you’re an atheist whatsoever. Things are just, there was only one righteous in just a person and being, and that’s God. He’s the one that judges, right? Rightly not even the best judge in the land or in the world can judge like God can whatsoever things are pure and what’s the purest thing?
[00:25:17] There was no sin in Christ Jesus when he was here on earth, and he is the word. Therefore. This is what’s pure. The word of God is pure, whatsoever things are lovely. Oh my. There’s nothing better nor beautiful than the lovely Lord Jesus. And you know why he didn’t have beauty that people would be attracted to him.
[00:25:39]as Isaiah 53, I believe, says when he was here on earth, there was no beauty in him that you should want him as far as physically. But there was an internal beauty and internal beauty that he had that attracted people. And that’s the beauty that God wants us to have is that, that, that, that internal beauty that reflects on the outside.
[00:26:00] And I, and I pray that God gave me more of that because it’s so easy to get carried away with the things of this life and the, and the, in the different things that are going on in this life. And you lose that purity and you lose that loveliness. That it can only come from the word of God and again, whatsoever things are of good report.
[00:26:20] My goodness, the good news, I believe it was the LaFontaine family that’s on the song. The good news is that he’s risen from the dead. Good news is that he came to save. The bad news was defeated with God’s word. The good news. Amen. This is, this is what brings this is, this is what brings joy in it. And it’s a good report is the word of God.
[00:26:42] Anything related to the word and it, and he finally says here, if there be any virtue, again, purity tied in with purity, if there’d be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things. So that’s what I want to leave you with. The saints. I wanna encourage you to just think on the word of God.
[00:27:06] Don’t just read the word and, and kinda skim through it and say, okay, I did my deed for today, but really think on what you’re reading because I know, and I believe that God really wants to give you a revelation, but you can only give you as much as you give him. So if you give him 10 minutes of your time, or if you give him a, I always say, if you give him your arm, he’s only going to be able to use your arm.
[00:27:30] If you give him a arm and your leg, one leg, he’ll be, he’ll use your one arm and one leg. But if you give all of you to him, then he’s going to be able to use all of you. So I want you to think on these things as I leave you. May God bless you today. Until next time, take care. And there you have in a trust that you have received a blessing and that these words have encouraged your heart and motivated you to continue moving forward on your, on this Christian walk.
[00:28:01] I know it’s not easy. Nobody promised the Lord never even promise that walking with him be in a Christian. Believe in this message would be easy. But I’ll tell you what, saints, it will be worth it and it is worth it now, especially if you see day to day walking with Christ as something that you cannot exchange for anything else in this life.
[00:28:26] So until next episode, saints, I hope that you continue to feed that 10,000 worlds that’s within you. And of course that is your soul. And check back again on the next episode. As Lord willing, we will have the guest with us. I won’t reveal who it will be, but Lord willing, we’ll have somebody witness and share their testimony, share their spiritual insight with us, and something that would help us to benefit us spiritually.
[00:28:55] Somebody, God richly bless you as. As she continued to walk with him and may God richly bless you. Take care. .
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