
Episode 319: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 285

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Episode Summary:

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4)

192 You want to belong in Heaven! That’s where your affections ought to be, on things above. Jesus said, “Set your affections on things above, not on things of the earth. They’re going to fail.” Stay with God. Stay with realities. God is a God of reality. He has always been, in all ages. Any time that man ever walked with God, God become a reality that performed signs and wonders and miracles with His people. It’s God’s purpose to do so. Surrender all.

193 Right here in Louisville, Kentucky, not long ago, there was a very nice family of people. They had a sick baby. Called to pray for it. The doctor walked out of the hospital. “And what about the baby?”

194 He said, “That baby is dying. There is nothing else can be done for it.” Said, “It’s got leukemia.” Said, “The baby has to die.”

195 Thought, “O God, You ain’t said that yet. You never witnessed that.” Went and talked to the parents, and the parents was crying and sobbing. Their—their—their baby was gone, as far as they knowed. But what did they do?

196 The doctor was right. He, everything that he knowed to do, he had done. Leukemia is a killer, and nothing can stop it. Said, “The baby is going to die.”

197 The old grandfather of that baby. You all know the case. And the old grandfather of that baby come along. When he heard me speak about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, he said, “I used to remember years ago, when an old preacher said there would come a time that people would receive the Holy Ghost again, and signs and wonders would be done.” He went off in a little room to himself. He wouldn’t stay with his son or his daughter-in-law no more. He stayed in there, crying and praying. When the old fellow walked out of there, the sweat hanging across his bald forehead, his eyes glistening. He said, “That baby will live.”

Said, “What?”

198 He said, “Doctor, I respect you as a—as a man of science. I respect you and your intelligence that you have learned through medical research. But,” said, “I prayed and I prayed, and I prayed until I surrendered everything I had to surrender, and the Holy Spirit said, ‘The baby will live.’” It did. Why? He surrendered everything he had.

199 God got a hold of him and could talk to him, when he was willing to surrender everything. That’s what we lack. You don’t want to surrender your ways. You don’t want to surrender your societies. You don’t want to surrender the little click that you belong to. You don’t want to surrender any time, you’ve got to do this, that, or the other, instead of praying. You don’t want to surrender things to God. God wants you to surrender! Closing, I want to say this. Whole lot more here I’d like to say, but I haven’t the time. God wants a complete surrender. When you surrender everything, then you will find out what I’m talking about is the Truth.

60-0626 – “The Unfailing Realities Of The Living God”
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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