Tag Archive for: William Marrion Branham

Episode 158: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 124

Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?

Episode 157: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 123

And if a sojourner or stranger wax rich by thee, and thy brother that dwelleth by him wax poor, and sell himself unto the stranger or sojourner by thee, or to the stock of the stranger’s family:

Episode 156: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 122

And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years.

Episode 155: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 121

And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him. And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?

Episode 154: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 120

Wherefore then hast thou brought me forth out of the womb? Oh that I had given up the ghost, and no eye had seen me!