
Podcast Episode 12: Listen To Your Teenage Son And Daughter – Special Guest: Bella Urrego

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Episode Summary:

On this episode we talk about the importance of us as parents to listen to our teenage children first before we speak to them, because they want to be heard.
I also continue with part 2 of my interview with my oldest daughter Sarah Isabella Urrego (Bella) about the challenges she has faced going to public school and what she has done to overcome these challenges.

Some of the items we talk about on this episode are as follows:

1. The purpose of this episode and the importance of listening to your teenage son or daughter because they want to be heard.

2. I ask Bella if anyone at school including teachers has ever asked her any Bible based questions.

3. What helps her every morning to face another day in school.

4. Can a Christian still be a Christian at a public school?

5. What to do as a Christian if you are getting bullied or have social problems in school.

6. The dangers of young people hiding things from their parents.

7. How to handle as a Christian the music that is played at school when that’s not the music you listen to at home. 

8. The importance of letting your child know WHY we don’t listen to certain types of music.

9. The importance for young people and Christians in general, to stop and think before they do anything they are not sure of.

Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] Luis Urrego: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Ten Thousand Worlds Podcast. my name is Luis Urrego, and it is an honor to have you here listening today here on episode number 12 of the podcast. We certainly appreciate you taking the time of your day to listen and hopefully something today is said that will benefit your spiritually.

[00:00:24] We want to go ahead and go straight to the episode with the continuation of where we left off last week. Last week we were discussing about the importance of listening to your teenage son or daughter. Now me being that I, I have an almost legal age teenager, she’s 12 getting ready to turn 13 this is a new experience for me.

[00:00:51] But I try to watch the, uh, experiences and the examples of others and try to glean from that. [00:01:00] But, um, what I have gathered, um, throughout the years, and of course I went through teenage years at myself is that, uh, teenagers, they want to be listened. Uh, they want to be listened to and, uh, they want to be heard.

[00:01:15] And that’s the reason why they try to express themselves, uh, in sometimes in very extreme ways. But one of the things that really, uh, uh, fuels that, those expressions is that they want to be heard, they want to be listened to. And it is no different with with our Christian teens.

[00:01:41] Um, they also want to be heard. And, um, that’s one thing that I try to keep in mind or with, with my daughters is, um, I try to listen to them, um, because I know that in them listening to me, uh, then it would be easier for them. [00:02:00] Um, I’m sorry if them listen, if me listening to them, it would be easier for them to listen to me.

[00:02:06] And so we were discussing that last week and the importance of that. And I used, um, I used an, a dialogue that I had with my daughter, uh, regarding, um. Regarding how life is for her as a Christian at, at the, at a public school, and how, how her experience has been. So it’s a two-fold purpose with a reason why I did that.

[00:02:29] One is to maybe help those, uh, students and maybe parents out there who have children that go to a public school. Um, those Chris, a Christian parents who have children that go to public school, but also, um. Maybe give an example of how to dialog with your child. And, you know, as the saying goes, and maybe you’ve heard this, that God gave us two ears and one mouth.

[00:02:58] So it’s always better to listen [00:03:00] and then speak. And so I have a, I’ve tried to keep that in mind. And, um, and of course that. You know, I fail. Many times I fail because sometimes even with my two ears, I don’t listen it good enough. And I miss things at times. But, um, you know, we’re human and we make mistakes.

[00:03:23] So we want to go ahead and go directly to the episode, uh, with a continuation of my interview with my daughter, uh, Bella Urrego. And this is part two. And, uh, after the, uh. Interview, I’ll come back, um, with my final thoughts for this episode. May God bless you as you listen.

[00:03:44] Bella Urrego: [00:03:44] My younger sister, Zoe, she’s come with issues that come with me to stores and she’s, she has pulled out this shirt or something and she says she likes it.

[00:03:56] And, um. And it’s, [00:04:00] um, it’s been sleeveless for one, it’s spent or it’s spin or it was short to where it was showing the stomach or it was just like very low in the back or in the front. Yeah. And I’ve had to tell her that that’s not good. And she’s gotten upset with me because of it. But I mean, you can’t get mad at the younger generation for that, cause they don’t understand, you know.

[00:04:26] Luis Urrego: [00:04:26] And even for all the listeners there that her younger sister, of course, is my daughter, and she is only seven years old, so you pray for me because she, she loves she, she gets easily tantalized by the shiny things out there and things like that. Of course, you know. She’s, she’s, she grew up, uh, with, uh, princess stories and, and frozen Disney movies and things like that.

[00:04:55] And so she loves anything that’s shiny and princess like. [00:05:00] So, um, you know, she likes to look good and there’s nothing wrong with a little girl and a, and a teenage girl to look good, but if they understand that you can still look good and you can still look nice and still look and still be modest.

[00:05:18] Right. um, so shifting, shifting gears real quick, Bella, let me ask you this. Have you ever, have you ever been asked or have have ever by anybody in school or teacher or even one of your friends about things in the Bible? And then what do you, how do you react or what do you do?

[00:05:44] Bella Urrego: [00:05:44] I, no one’s really ever asked me.

[00:05:47] Um, and I pray that I can be a light for someone in any way that God wants to use me. But I’ve never been asked a question like that. May [00:06:00] not from school, but I’ve been asked by Zoe. My younger sister because she’s still little, but I’ve never, I’ve never been asked by any students or teachers because I think, I think that they think that there’s just bigger priorities to be taken care of besides the Bible.

[00:06:24] And I don’t, I think most teachers are there just to teach and they want to warm up to the students and they want to get to know the students. But they just, that I think they’re blinded where they know that I’m different, but they just don’t, they don’t see they, they know that I wear skirts and that I’m very strong in my religion, but I don’t like they, they don’t ask me about questions about the Bible.

[00:06:53] Luis Urrego: [00:06:53] Yeah.

[00:06:54] Bella what helps you every, every [00:07:00] morning. To face another day in school?

[00:07:05] Bella Urrego: [00:07:05] Um, I believe that everyone who’s alive and breathing right now, they’re living a miracle. And sometimes it seems like God’s not. You want to see a miracle and you pray, God, show me a miracle. Show me, show me something.

[00:07:25] Miraculous some your ways. And, and then it seems like nothing’s happening because you, you want to see a demon cast out of someone, or you want to see someone like, Oh, you want to see a sinner just come up to you and ask, and then be very interested and thirsty for the Word. But sometimes it’s not always like that.

[00:07:49] So, but if you’re breathing right now and you’re alive, and it. You’re just like everyone else. You’re alive and you’re breathing and you’re able [00:08:00] to, you have the same freedoms as other people. You’re living, you’re living walking miracle because you’re not the one, scientists aren’t the one who is, they’re not making your heartbeat because at any moment, God could take you away.

[00:08:20] And so I think. I think that’s one of the things that helps me in the mornings and then also whenever I’m facing another day in the mornings, I think that that if God woke me up this morning, then I have something to fulfill for him and there’s, there’s a good chance that I could save someone. And like this podcast is called.

[00:08:48] And how brother Branham says it in the beginning, he’s basically saying that your soul is worth more than everything you could ever ask for. So if I could save, if I could bring one [00:09:00] soul to God, then that’s, that’s a miracle too. But You have to remember that sometimes you’re not always called, many are called, but few are chosen.

[00:09:16] And sometimes you just have to accept that even though there are the big important tools, but then there are the smaller, but yet very important tools. Yeah, because the nail is still, it’s very small, unlike the hammer, which is much bigger, but the nail still has a very important job.

[00:09:42] Luis Urrego: [00:09:42] Right.

[00:09:43] Bella Urrego: [00:09:43] In keeping things together and the nit and the hammer still has a very important job of keeping the nail in its place. And so what I’m trying to say with that is that you may, you may think that you’re, that even though you’re not a minister, you’re not a pastor, [00:10:00] or if you don’t have this important part in your church, you’re still very important to God.

[00:10:07] It may not seem like it, but you’re still very important to God.

[00:10:12] Luis Urrego: [00:10:12] So do you think, do you think Bella, that a Christian can be a Christian even at a public school?

[00:10:22] Bella Urrego: [00:10:22] Seven years in public school? I believe. I believe that that’s, that’s a miracle. It’s, um, I think that’s very true. That even though you may feel influenced and you may feel brought down to a certain point where you feel like.

[00:10:41] No one’s there for me. There’s always someone there for you, and even if none of your friends, if your friends leave you, and if your family, if your family leaves you, you always just keep, just grab God’s hand and pick [00:11:00] yourself back up again just off the dirt and just keep walking forward because you’re life in God.

[00:11:10] It’s going to have a reward that is unexplainable and it’s a very big reward that it’s not, you’re not able to explain how much for eternal life is not even the best words to describe what it’s going to be like in the future home and what’s going to be like living with God forever. So. I think that even, I think it’s very possible.

[00:11:39] It’s more than possible. It’s, it’s not impossible, but it’s, of course you can make it through public school. And if I’ve never been bullied for what I believe, but if you’re being bullied and if you’re being teased and you feel like that’s bringing you down, pray. Pray and [00:12:00] read your Bible and that will always bring you back up because sometimes the wind, the people will bring you down.

[00:12:13] It will push you down some times, but you have to get back up. You’re going to have memories. You’re going to have bruises and scars, but that’s just going to be a reminder that those things made you stronger in life. Yeah. So yes, it’s very, you are able to, in public school, any, anyone is able to.

[00:12:37] Luis Urrego: [00:12:37] Who should you go to for help in case you run into problems?

[00:12:42] What, what, who, who are you go, your Go To people when you, when you run into problems in school.

[00:12:50] Bella Urrego: [00:12:50] Um, so if, um, first go to God, of course you have to go to God first because he, he obviously has a [00:13:00] plan for you, for you. And that’s why he’s, he’s giving you this because you know, you can handle it.

[00:13:05] Another person that you can go to are your parents or an older sibling or another family member. Um. I think those are a few other people that can really encourage you because they went through the same problems you did. Even if they lived in during the seventies eighties, it’s always been the same.

[00:13:28] It’s always been the same problems, and it will always continue to be the same. Um, and I think third, yeah, I, I can’t, I can agree with this partly, but. You can always go talk to a counselor, your school counselor, or I’m the person that deals with, um, student problems. Um, you can go to that [00:14:00] person, but you have to remember that if you explain your religion to them, they may not understand completely, but they’ll try to help you and as much as you can.

[00:14:09] Yeah. So it’s very important to always keep your parents in the loop of things, right? And, and, uh, you’ve had experiences, you know, where if you didn’t have your parents in the loop, and then eventually things were found out and then, and you had to learn lessons the hard way. Right. And I’ve had to do that too, even as a, as, as a kid.

[00:14:38] So, um, do you think, do you think, uh, if, uh, do you think young people need to be hiding things from their parents?

[00:14:48] Um, I don’t believe that it’s the right thing to do because if you’re hiding someone from your parents, you’re going to be scared. If it’s something [00:15:00] wrong, you’re going to be scared that you’re going to be caught.

[00:15:02] And. I think it’s just better to address the problem before I gets bigger, because if you tuck things away, it’s going, it’s like a snowball. The more, if you don’t stop the snowball from rolling down a mountain, it’s going to get bigger, right? So you need to address the problem as soon as possible.

[00:15:28] And if not the, the, this problem or this issue will be bigger than what you saw. It might have been if you had just told the person or your parents at that moment. Because if you don’t address it, it will become bigger and bigger. And then it could maybe. I don’t want to say anything. Um, but it could, it could cause life [00:16:00] problems.

[00:16:01] And so, um, just, just make sure to tell your parents or whatever guardian you have, make sure to tell them. Um, they should tell them that. Um, tell them what happened.

[00:16:17] Luis Urrego: [00:16:17] Good.

[00:16:18] Bella Urrego: [00:16:18] And, um,

[00:16:19] Luis Urrego: [00:16:19] I’m over here making her laugh right now.

[00:16:22] Bella Urrego: [00:16:22] So yes. Um, make sure to tell your parents it’s your parents. God gave you your parents.

[00:16:32] And he didn’t give them to you so that you could hide things away from them. He gave them to you so that they could support you and help you in whatever problems you can’t, you have. Yeah. So just open up to your parents and tell them, because you don’t want the problem to get any bigger than what it already

[00:16:51] Luis Urrego: [00:16:51] is.

[00:16:52] One more question. What about music. When, when in public schools, obviously they’re [00:17:00] not playing the LA Fontaine family or they’re not playing Don Mohen Christian, good, good Christian music, you know, things that will help you and they’re playing things like, like what there is, well, it’s

[00:17:13] Bella Urrego: [00:17:13] mostly my teachers.

[00:17:17] They will play, they won’t play. Like Billie Eilish or, um, 21 Savage. They won’t play anyone like that. They may pay like Bruno Mars, um, imagine dragons, Katy Perry and stuff like that. I, I just know that those, I don’t listen to them, but I know them from school. And. Um, let me just say the snack, just an extra point that people have asked me, have you heard this new song by such and such artists?

[00:17:52] And I ask, who’s, who’s that? And they’ve been shocked because I didn’t know. And they’re just like, how do you [00:18:00] not know who Billie Eilish is or who Bruno Mars is? And you can’t say that, Oh, my religion just doesn’t believe in that kind of music. Because then they’ll just be like. That, that’s weird.

[00:18:13] You can tell them that and it’ll just, you don’t know what outcome it will have. So I just tell them, I just don’t listen to music as often as most people do. But I think the music, I had problems with music before, and I can admit that without a doubt that I had big problems with music. And, um, I was very into electronic music and I liked, um.

[00:18:40] I liked low fee and I liked hip hop. Um, but I think

[00:18:46] Luis Urrego: [00:18:46] low fee would be low fire, I think is how it’s set. But go ahead.

[00:18:51] Bella Urrego: [00:18:51] Okay. Well,

[00:18:52] Luis Urrego: [00:18:52] love. Yeah, I could be wrong. I

[00:18:55] Bella Urrego: [00:18:55] don’t know. That’s what I’ve always seen as

[00:18:57] Luis Urrego: [00:18:57] low fee. And what else? Hip [00:19:00] hop and hip hop. Okay.

[00:19:02] Bella Urrego: [00:19:02] Yes. Um, and I think. I’ve, I’ve let go.

[00:19:07] I’ve gradually let go. Thank God I’ve been able to let go of that stuff because it was taking over me. I, I could tell and I wanted to let go. I wanted to, I prayed about, I said, God, please help me cause I would go to church and I’d know that it was wrong. And I know at church that I was listening to this music.

[00:19:33] I would listen to it while I would read and things like that. And I know, and I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t like go. It was an addiction of mine. And so, but, um, my dad, he found out, and, um. He, he told me why it was wrong and he had to explain to me and that, that lecture, [00:20:00] I, I, I hate being lectured.

[00:20:02] I, I think that most kids do because they think they’re right. But if, if my dad had not addressed it, it could’ve gotten to the point where I was, if, if I had gotten older, I could have been listening to, um. I don’t know. I’m a wrap or it could’ve gotten worse. And I think him, I thank you that you, that you grabbed me before I fell off that cliff.

[00:20:38] Luis Urrego: [00:20:38] No, it wasn’t me who was the Lord through through, through me. But, but thank God that God did that, man. So when you hear this music at school, what did, what do you do.

[00:20:51] Bella Urrego: [00:20:51] Um, I think it’s very, I still have problems with it. I think every Christian still has temptations.

[00:21:00] [00:20:59] Luis Urrego: [00:20:59] Yeah.

[00:21:00] Bella Urrego: [00:21:00] The devil still tries to bring you, he still tries to reel.

[00:21:04] You backing into that, and I think it’s very hard to resist tapping your feet or nodding your head, and you just have to, you have to try your best. And if you. If you not, if you start nodding your head or if you start tapping your feet, just, just immediately. Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t hold back.

[00:21:26] Just appall just ask God for his forgiveness immediately. Because if not, if, if you didn’t realize that that was wrong and you just did it knowing that it was wrong, it’s not, it’s not going to go well for you. As especially as a Christian, it’s not going to go well for you. So just ask, ask God immediately for his forgiveness and at school, especially at public schools, you can’t ask the teacher to change the music, especially if the teacher’s not a [00:22:00] Christian and the bride of Christ.

[00:22:04] You can’t ask them. It changed the music because your music, other people aren’t going to like, and you don’t like that person’s music and that’s fine, but just know, just don’t let the things of the world get to your heart. Just feed on the word of God, not on the things of the world.

[00:22:25] Luis Urrego: [00:22:25] Yes. So one of the main lesson is, um.

[00:22:30] You know, as Jesus said, we are in the world, but we’re not of the world. Um, sometimes you know, you’re in a restaurant or you’re in school or whatever, and then some song comes on and, and your flesh is just gonna want to move, tap your feet or whatever. So if it happens to, as an adult, um, how much more do the young people, um, but how important it is that if you can instill in them.

[00:22:57] The why of why [00:23:00] music, a certain types of music are, are not, uh, helpful for their Christian walk. And even give them examples, uh, of, of, of why, you know, why this is not helpful instead of just taking it away from them and not even giving a reason why. Um, then it’s not going to, it’s not going to be beneficial.

[00:23:25] A young person or young or young, uh, person is going to gravitate towards the world, uh, until the Holy ghost has fully gotten a hold of him. Um, but when you see, when you helped him and you give them to Y. We don’t do certain things. Why we don’t. Why the, the men dress a certain way. Why do young girls or women dress a certain way?

[00:23:53] Then that goes a long way to help in them when they’re not around you to know where they’re [00:24:00] standing and why they do the things that they do. Instead of just them saying, Oh, I do it cause my parents said I needed to do it. No. Now in Bella’s case, I think, thank God that she, she knows, um, because from a young, low, low girl, we’ve instilled in her, the Y in my wife is been very instrumental in teaching her the why we do certain things.

[00:24:27] And, uh, and I think that that’s helped her in public school. So. Well, Bella, thank you so much for being here with us. Is there any last words of that you want to say to young Christians, um, in this hour, if they’re in public school and especially young girls?

[00:24:49] Bella Urrego: [00:24:49] Yes. Um, just don’t lose faith because your, your faith.

[00:24:59] In God, [00:25:00] Satan’s always going to be there. He’s, he’s gonna be there. He’s, when you walk into that church, he’s just going to be sitting on that same Pew. He’s just waiting for you. resist temptation because Satan knows your weakness, right? And just, just make sure that you, that you keep, you keep your faith in God.

[00:25:28] And just make sure it, to know when it’s cause, say, and it’s very sly and he’ll make it seem like it’s this good thing. And I recently experienced, experienced, um, something. And I, and I wasn’t thinking, and it was right after I had taken this big milestone in church. And she took a hold of me and he made me do something.

[00:25:55] And now I look back on it. I have so much guilt and [00:26:00] I don’t like myself for it. And I don’t want any of you Christians to go through that. So just resist temptation cause it may seem good, it may seem perfectly fine at the moment, but when you get in trouble for it, you’re going to feel very bad.

[00:26:20] Totally got it.

[00:26:21] Luis Urrego: [00:26:21] So always make, so do you agree, always make sure that you think before you do anything, right? Absolutely. Even before you say anything

[00:26:34] Bella Urrego: [00:26:34] yes.

[00:26:35] Luis Urrego: [00:26:35] Why?

[00:26:36] Bella Urrego: [00:26:36] In my case, I kind of, I hurt a lot of people. Okay. Out of a text message,

[00:26:49] Luis Urrego: [00:26:49] um,

[00:26:50] Bella Urrego: [00:26:50] out of social media and, um, I think just, just make sure [00:27:00] to think before you, um, before you do anything, before you say anything, think of sync of the, what would happen in the future.

[00:27:13] Think ahead.

[00:27:14] Luis Urrego: [00:27:14] Right.

[00:27:15] Bella Urrego: [00:27:15] Because anything, anything that you say or do, it’s if you, if you have the, if the first thing you think about is this is wrong, don’t do it. That’s, that’s God is telling me he’s, he’s watching out for you. So if don’t have second thoughts, because. If you’re, if, because that’s doubting and I don’t think any of us want to doubt God.

[00:27:45] So if you’re, if you’re about to do something, think before you do it, or you say it, and if, if the first thing you think about before you do it or say it, if you think, Oh, this is wrong.

[00:27:56] Luis Urrego: [00:27:56] do

[00:27:58] Bella Urrego: [00:27:58] not do it. [00:28:00] Just, just don’t do it because that’s, that’s God speaking to you. And he is trying to make sure that you, he’s trying to keep you away from trouble, right?

[00:28:15] Because he, he is, he just want, he loves you. So he wants to keep you away from whatever cause he knows what will happen. So he just wants to keep you away from that.

[00:28:28] Luis Urrego: [00:28:28] So you always have to think the people that you might hurt the how you’re going to hurt yourself. And, um, especially your, how you could hurt.

[00:28:39] God, you know, and, uh, so always think how important it is before you say anything, before you do anything before you, uh, always. I remember back in the 90s and the early two thousands, when they had that little headband or that little band wristband that [00:29:00] everybody used to wear all the time, it said, WWJ, WWJD and now always stood for what would Jesus do?

[00:29:08] So I believe that’s so, so, so nice. It’s a good question to ask yourself, what would Jesus do? And before you do anything, ask yourself that. What would Jesus do? What would Jesus the light and not be just a wristband or if or, or a necklace or something, but really have it in your heart, in your mind, what would Jesus do in this situation?

[00:29:32] And brother Brandon said that if there’s a question in your mind about anything that you’re about to do, Dennis, what

[00:29:41] Bella Urrego: [00:29:41] wrong?

[00:29:41] Luis Urrego: [00:29:41] Then it’s better not to do it at all. Right? So it might as, even if it is, even if it is not wrong, if there a question about it in your mind, then

[00:29:54] Bella Urrego: [00:29:54] it’s best not to do

[00:29:55] Luis Urrego: [00:29:55] it.

[00:29:56] That’s not to do it at all, because then, um, you’re, [00:30:00] you’re. Then there’s no possibility of possibly you even get in trouble. Right. So, all right, Bella, barely.

[00:30:13] Um, so thank you so much for being here with us. And, uh, now I hope there’s something was said that our listeners, it would be able to help them. So God bless you. All right, in there, you have part two of my interview or my talk with my daughter Bella. Your ego. I hope that you enjoyed it and I hope something was said that would either help you as a young person, as a student and in public school, or even you as a parent, um, to help you to, um, dialogue and listen more to your child, to your teenage son or daughter.

[00:30:54] And make it too as if you were speaking to a friend. And that’s so [00:31:00] important. Um, you know, ultimately God is the one who has to get a hold of our children, and we’re just conduits. We’re just there to, uh, be there Holy ghost, until they. Get the Holy ghost. And, um, we are, um, we are called to do that as parents.

[00:31:24] And woe is unto us if we don’t. So, um, just always remember that you at one point in time where your yet daughter or your son’s age and try to reflect and try to remember what was important to you at the time and why. What you needed at the time, and that will really help you with dealing with your son and your daughter and always keep them in prayer and always [00:32:00] seek out the ways that you can help them to draw closer to God, involve them in youth camps, involved them in Bible studies, involved him in, in.

[00:32:13] In Eve, in events that other young Christians are, are, are at, that will help them. Um, see other examples from other young people who are having the same struggles as them, and that they can, um, identify with those struggles. And it will help, um, build bonds with, uh, with individuals who.

[00:32:40] Even though they had those same struggles and, and, and they’re going through the same battles, but they’re trying their best to, um, serve the Lord. And, uh, the, the, the, that’s very important for, for, for your child, uh, [00:33:00] that we do that and that we allow that. In our, uh, as parents. And so I certainly hope that something was said that would help, uh, each and every one of you.

[00:33:12] So until next time, I hope that you have a wonderful day. I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your week and Lord willing, we. We’ll have, uh, another, uh, individual, uh, to interview here, uh, real soon, maybe in the next coming episode. And so beyond the lookout for the next episode on that.

[00:33:40] Um, we don’t know who it will be. We have so many people, uh, lined up and different individuals that, um. That showed interest in being on the podcast. So it’s just who the Lord puts on my heart. And, uh, we will, uh, we will continue [00:34:00] with, with that. And with that specific, with that particular individual, I hope that you just keep, continue to keep us in your prayers.

[00:34:08] And, uh, just pray that something that this, this podcast would help someone. And if it just draws one soul closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, Hey, we’ve done our job and that’s all that matters. So may God richly bless you. I wish you the best man, blessed week the rest of this week, and then you take care of yourself.

[00:34:34] Remember your soul’s worth 10,000 worlds. So do whatever you can this week to feed that. So may God bless you. Take care. [00:35:00]

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