
Episode 316: The Family Altar Audio Devotional – Day 282

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Episode Summary:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philipians 4:8)

104 And these, no reverence, no respects! The people today, they don’t respect God. They have no reverence. They take His Name in vain, and tell dirty jokes. And—and even ministers do that. You hear a—a joke, I guess would be all right. But ministers should be examples, I think, of what of—of righteousness and holiness. And that’s the reason I think maybe we—we don’t get no farther than we do; we’re not, don’t come this, the sincerity that we ought to have in it. When you’re carrying on, and going on, you lose that little grain of sincerity, you know. There is something about it.

105 You must remember that God is watching you, every hour. He watches you when you’re asleep. Now, I think the reason that people do those things is because, they—they—they, they’re not conscious of His Presence, see. But yet He is there, whether you think He is or not. He sees every look that you make, and every—every move that you make. He knows all about it. But we ought to realize that.

106 We used to have a little song, when I first come among the Pentecostals, they sang.

All along on the road to the soul’s true abode,

There is an Eye watching you;

Every step that you take, this great Eye is awake,

There is an Eye watching you.

See? You remember the song? [Congregation says, “Yes.”—Ed.] Now that is true.

107 God’s omnipresence knows what you’re doing, and even your thoughts. One time while I was in a vision, I was speaking to a Being standing by me; and He said back, He said, “Your thoughts are louder in the Heavens than your voice is on the earth.” He knows what you’re thinking. You might say you—you do this and you do that, and it, but, you see, down in your heart, if you think different, you’re—you’re doing something wrong. You should be just what you are, see, the—the heart. The mouth should speak what’s in the heart. See? And so we find that the people doesn’t realize the—the Presence of God.

108 You know, they ought to be like David, the man was after God’s Own heart. He said, “The Lord is always before me.” Wherever he goes, he remembers God is always before him. “He is on my right hand, and I’ll not be moved,” because God is on his right hand.

63-1114 – “Influence”
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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