
Podcast Episode 20: Celebrating A Milestone Through The Episodes

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Episode Summary:

Welcome To episode number 20 of The Ten Thousand Worlds Podcast, My Name is Luis Urrego. I hope that you are having a blessed day or evening where ever you are listening from around the world.

Again, this is episode number 20 and the final episode of this first season of the Ten Thousand Worlds podcast.

I cannot believe we have made it to 20 episodes now of the podcast and it has certainly been an awesome experience for me to do this.

You know for a year or two before I had launched the first episode, I was contemplating on creating a podcast centered around the Message of the Hour and where we could interview guests to talk about issues that all us as Christians face, but also to have those guests share their personal testimonies.

I was back and forth praying about it and wondering if I should or not, but I just went ahead and bit the bullet as they say and recorded and launched that first episode back in August of last year 2019 and here we are 20 episodes later.

Since August of last year when we launched the podcast has had around 1800 total plays, and that’s not including the plays that we have had on Youtube which could make it around 2000 plays across all 19 episodes that we have launched so far.

Now those are not crazy numbers, but it’s encouraging to know that there are people out there listening and interested in this type of content. And we have had listeners from all over the world, from the United States to Nigeria, to India, Canada, even in small countries or not very well known areas like the Cayman Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, and Fiji, and the British Virgin Islands.

Total number of countries that I have recorded that someone has tuned in at one point or another is 62 countries so far.

I give God the glory for it first and foremost and thank you all for listening and for the encouraging comments and the testimonies that I have received from people being blessed by the podcast. Definitely a podcast or any type of content is nothing without the one’s consuming that content.

I’m always interested on improving the podcast, so I welcome your feedback as well as suggestions or if you are interested on being on the podcast, please reach out to us and we would love to have you on to share your testimony or experience as a Message believing Christian in this day and age, at this time, in this hour.

So being that we are celebrating this milestone, I just wanted to share some of the most special moments that we have had across the last 19 episodes of the podcast but in no particular order. I trust that you will be blessed with these highlights and then afterwards I will come back with my final thoughts.